Celebrations from around the world 2011. From Sydney and Taipei to London.
Cities around the world have been celebrating the New Year in their own style, from Sydney and Taipei to London, people have been watching spectacular firework displays and popping a few fizzy champagne corks to bring in 2011.
2010年12月31日 星期五
Celebrations from around the world 2011. From Sydney and Taipei to London
2010年12月25日 星期六
Hermes: Taipei101 Hermesnoel
【資料來源:公平交易委員會 2010/12/25】
2010年12月24日 星期五
Merry Christmas: "It catches dreams..."
Title: "Christmas"
Agency: 1861united
City: Milan
Advertiser: BSkyB Ltd
Brand: Sky Satelite TV
Language: Italiano
Tagline: Cinema Always Lives With You.
Market: Italy
Actor / Celebrity: Ms. Nicole Kidman
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays
Victoria's Secret: "Holiday 2010" Victoria's Secret Sexy Lingerie TVC
Title: Holiday 2010
Brand: Victoria's Secret
Advertiser: Victoria's Secret
Country: United States
La Senza: Cup Size Choir “Merry Christmas” Ad CF
Title: Cup Size Choir “Merry Christmas”
Brand: La Senza
Advertiser: La Senza
Agency: Karmarama
Country: United Kingdom
Year: 2010
Merry Christmas: It catches dreams...
Title: "Christmas"
Agency: 1861united
City: Milan
Advertiser: BSkyB Ltd
Brand: Sky Satelite TV
Language: Italiano
Tagline: Cinema Always Lives With You.
Market: Italy
Actor / Celebrity: Ms. Nicole Kidman
2010年12月23日 星期四
2010年12月22日 星期三
P&O Cruises: Explorers 豪華郵輪
P&O Cruises: Explorers 豪華郵輪
Title: Explorers
Brand: P&O Cruises
Advertiser: Carnival (ex-P&O Princess plc Cruises)
Agency: Miles Calcraft Briginshaw Duffy
Country: United Kingdom
Year: 2010
iPhone 4 Under The Covers 聖誕快樂 2010
iPhone 4 Under The Covers 聖誕快樂 2010
Advertising Agency: TBWA\Media Arts Lab, USA
Chief Creative Officer: Duncan Milner
Executive Creative Directors: Eric Grunbaum, Scott Trattner
Associate Creative Director: Krista WIcklund
Art Directors: Deborah Casswell, Parker Grant
Copywriters: Natalie Ranger, David Young, Louise Shieh
Agency Producers: Hank Zakroff, Mallory Gordon, Christopher Shaw
Caritas: Talking Rooms Awards:eurobest 2010
Caritas: Talking Rooms Awards:eurobest 2010
Title "Talking Rooms"
Agency BBDO Düsselforf GmbH
City Düsseldorf
Campaign Talking Rooms
Advertiser Caritas
Brand Caritas
Awards: eurobest 2010
2010年12月21日 星期二
Microsoft: Windows Phone
Microsoft: Windows Phone
Title: Really?
Brand: Microsoft
Advertiser: Crispin Porter + Bogusky
Agency: Crispin Porter + Bogusky
Country: United States
2010年12月19日 星期日
2010年12月18日 星期六
好久不見: MATISSE Scotch Whisky 馬諦氏威士忌
MATISSE Scotch Whisky_馬諦氏蘇格蘭威士忌: 舒淇 好久不見
蕭邦的夜曲 Nocturne in E flat minor, op. 9
2010年12月17日 星期五
【資料來源:公平交易委員會 2010/12/16】
【資料來源:公平交易委員會 2010/12/16】
公平會表示,「台北好境」建案於「B2 2F-11F室內傢俱配置參考圖」將「機房」位置標示為居室使用空間之一部分,整體觀之,已足使消費者誤認該「機房」所在位置為居室空間之一部分,可比照規劃使用;據佳鋐公司表示,該傢俱配置參考圖係於建案銷售時,提供客戶裝潢建議及參考用。惟據臺北縣政府表示,該「台北好境」建案為集合住宅使用,其B2棟「機房」用途僅為集合住宅內之機電設備空間,並未另歸類其它使用類組;且依竣工圖之面積計算表所示,該容積率已達法定上限,在無多餘容積之前提下,應無法將原核准未計入容積之「機房」申請變更為應計入容積樓地板面積之居室使用,故倘一般消費者據廣告內容認知,並於購屋後依廣告揭示之用途使用,則違反建管法規,有遭罰鍰、停止使用、恢復原狀或強制拆除之風險。
公平會最後表示,該建案之「B2 2F-11F室內傢俱配置參考圖」內容表示與事實不符,其差異難為一般大眾所接受,而足以引起一般大眾錯誤之認知或決定,為虛偽不實及引人錯誤之表示,核已違反公平交易法第21條第1項規定。
2010年12月16日 星期四
Audi A7 Sportback: Imagination meets Engineering
Audi A7 Sportback: Imagination meets Engineering
Title Imagination meets Engineering
Agency Bartle Bogle Hegarty
Advertiser Audi
Brand Audi A7 Sportback
Campaign Name Imagination meets Engineering
Country of Production United Kingdom
Date of Broadcast Dec 12, 2010
Creative Director Kevin Stark
Creative Director Nick Kidney
Art Director Andy Clough
Copywriter Richard McGrann
Director Bl:nd
Production Company Bl:nd
Director of Photography Alex Barber
Account Director Simon Coles
Agency Producer Glenn Paton
Account Manager Polly Knowles
Editing Company Bl:nd
Post Production Framestore
Advertising Manager Eve Tyers
Advertising Manager Peter Duffy
Skip: Piano
Skip: Piano
Title: Piano
Brand: Skip
Advertiser: Unilever
Agency: Borghierh/Lowe
Country: Brazil
2010年12月15日 星期三
2010年12月14日 星期二
2010年12月13日 星期一
2010年12月12日 星期日
The Model: Fondation Mimi "Cencer" Ad CF
The Model: Fondation Mimi "Cencer" Ad CF
Title: The Model
Brand: Fondation Mimi
Advertiser: Fondation Mimi
Agency: Leo Burnett France
Country: France
Year: Nov, 2010
2010年12月11日 星期六
iPhone App Montblanc: Nicolas Rieussec
Shangri-La Hotels & Resorts: Wolves "There's no greater act of hospitality than to embrace a stranger as one's own"
Shangri-La Hotels & Resorts: Wolves "There's no greater act of hospitality than to embrace a stranger as one's own"
Title: "Wolves (180 s)"
Agency: Ogilvy & Mather
City: Hong Kong
Advertiser: Shangri-La Hotels & Resorts
Brand Name: Shangri La Hotels & Resorts
Date of First Publication: 2010
Country of Production: Taiwan
Tagline: There's no greater act of hospitality than to embrace a stranger as one's own
Awards: World Luxury Award, 2010 (Gold) for Hotels & Holidays
2010年12月10日 星期五
La Senza: Cup Size Choir “Merry Christmas” Ad CF
La Senza: Cup Size Choir “Merry Christmas” Ad CF
Title: Cup Size Choir “Merry Christmas”
Brand: La Senza
Advertiser: La Senza
Agency: Karmarama
Country: United Kingdom
Year: 2010
2010年12月9日 星期四
Victoria's Secret Sexy Lingerie: "Holiday 2010" Victoria's Secret Sexy Lingerie Ad CF

Victoria's Secret Sexy Lingerie: "Holiday 2010" Victoria's Secret Sexy Lingerie Ad CF
Title: Holiday 2010
Brand: Victoria's Secret
Advertiser: Victoria's Secret
Country: United States
2010年12月7日 星期二
Mini theatre: Snow white mirror

Mirror used as a "poster" for a theatre play Snow white, performed by the Mini theatre - Ljubljana.
Advertising Agency: Arnoldvuga+, Družba za vizualne komunikacije, Ljubljana, Slovenija
Creative Director: David Fartek
Art Director: Radovan Arnold
Designer: David Fartek
Published: November 2010
2010年12月6日 星期一
Amnesty International: Prisoner
2010年12月2日 星期四
Review: Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2001-2011 (Editor by Singer)
Victoria's Secret Sexy Lingerie Fashion Show 2002/03
Victoria's Secret Sexy Lingerie Fashion Show 2001/02
Victoria's Secret Sexy Lingerie Fashion Show 2003/04
Victoria's Secret Sexy Lingerie Fashion Show 2006/07
Victoria's Secret Sexy Lingerie Fashion Show 2007/08
Victoria's Secret Sexy Lingerie Fashion Show 2008/09
Victoria's Secret Sexy Lingerie Fashion Show 2010/11
2010年12月1日 星期三
Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2010/11 維多利亞的秘密2010/11年度大秀
Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2010/11 維多利亞的秘密2010/11年度大秀
Most important runway show in Victoria's Secret Sexy Lingerie Fashion Show 2010/11…
Amazing Adriana Lima is back to bring us with all her bright. Show with Kate Perry and Akon.
Show Summary: THE VICTORIA'S SECRET FASHION SHOW return to the CBS Television Network on Tuesday, Nov. 30 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT). This year's fashion show returns to New York City, where the world-famous Victoria's Secret Angels, including Adriana Lima, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Candice Swanepoel, Chanel Iman and Erin Heatherton, will star in this lingerie runway show that also includes musical performances, red carpet interviews, model profiles and a behind-the-scenes look at the making of the world's most celebrated fashion show. Angels this year: Adriana Lima, Alessandra Ambrosio, Isabel Gouart, Isabelli Fontana, Behati Prinsloo, Erin Heathton, Karolina Kurkova, Jessica Stam, Lily Aldridge, Adriana Lima, Emanuela de Paula, Chanel Iman, Candice Swanepoel, e Selita Banks.