2007年12月28日 星期五

War orphans 兼論巴基斯坦前總理遇刺身亡

[圖左:War orphans - Chechnya_Epica, 2007 (Gold)]
[圖右:War orphans - Iraq_Epica, 2007 (Gold)]

巴基斯坦前總理布托 遇刺身亡
「資料來源:2007/12/28 CNN、BBC、AFP、自由時報等媒體…」
[CNN, BBC, AFP] ISLAMABAD, Pakistan-(Dec, 28,2007)- Benazir Bhutto died from a fractured skull caused by hitting her head on part of her car's sunroof as a bomb ripped through a crowd of her supporters, a spokesman for Pakistan's Interior Ministry said Friday.
"When she was thrown by the force of the shockwave of the explosion, unfortunately one of the levers of the sunroof hit her," said spokesman Brigadier Javed Iqbal Cheema.
The explanation is the latest from the Interior Ministry. It initially said Bhutto was killed by shots fired by the bomber, and then, via the state-run Associated Press of Pakistan, it said the cause of death was a shrapnel injury.
But Farzana Raja of Bhutto's Pakistan People's Party told CNN the government's explanation is "a pack of lies," she told CNN. Raja also accused the government of a "total security lapse."
At a news conference, Cheema showed images of Bhutto in a car, standing up through an open sunroof, looking out at the crowd as she was about to be driven away.
When the gunshots rang out and the explosion occurred, Bhutto "fell down or perhaps ducked" and apparently hit her head on a lever, Cheema said, adding that the lever was stained with blood. The blast killed at least 28 more people and at least 100 were wounded.
