2008年2月22日 星期五

Aides "Sugar Baby Love 同志之愛, Live long enough to find the right one. Protect yourself."

Aides "Sugar Baby Love 同志之愛, Live long enough to find the right one. Protect yourself."

Aides “Sugar Baby Love” Live long enough to find the right one. Protect yourself
Description / Synopsis
Created as a video-clip and beated by the song "Sugar Baby Love" by the Rubbet's, the video tells humorously the lovey-dovey epic of a little boy then of a young man who, after discovering his homosexuality lives his sexual life although he's suffering from homophobic attacks. We observe him year after year, searching for The big love. Till then, he protects himself during his encounters with condoms.
Although the gay comunity has been particularly sensitized with prevention since the very beginning of the AIDS, we observe a resumption of non-protected practices these last few years. Nowadays, homosexuals reprensent a fourth of new diagnosed cases and more than 4 discover they disease everyday
This new campaign plays on many homosexual community's visual codes, even caricaturing it, in order to give value to the use of condom. But it also aims at denouncing the discrimination background in which gays live their sexual oientation. The latest agressions testify it.

Title “Sugar Baby Love” Live long enough to find the right one. Protect yourself.
City: Boulogne-Billancourt
Production Company: Wanda Productions
Advertiser: Aides
Campaign Name: Aids Awareness
Date of First Publication: 4/26/2006
Market: France
Country of Production: France
Language: French
Soundtrack/Song: "Sugar Baby Love"
Tagline: Live long enough to find the right one. Protect yourself.
Original Tagline: Vivez assez longtemps pour trouver le bon. Protégez-vous
Awards: Cannes Lions - International Advertising Festival, 2006 (Silver Lion)
Awards: Prix de la campagne citoyenne, 2006 (Shortlist) for Associations
Awards: Eurobest, 2006 (Eurobest Gold) for Public Health & Safety
Awards: Festival de la Publicité de Méribel, 2006 (Cristal) for France: Commercial / NGOs, charities, aid organisation
Awards: CLIO Awards, 2007 (Silver) for Public Service
Creative Director: Erik Vervroegen
Art Director: Eve Roussou
Copywriter: Véronique Sels
Director: Wilfrid Brimo
Producer: Claude Fayolle
Agency Producer: Christine Bouffort
Editor: Geoffroy Barbet Massin
Production Artist: Pascal Giroux
Music Publisher: Universal Music
