2008年5月30日 星期五

Orange TV “Rewind”

Orange TV “Rewind”

Description / Synopsis
In a city teeming with life, somewhere in India, a girl stands crying at a bus stop. A taxi driver notices shifts into reverse and begins backing his cab up. Everyone else in the road - pedestrians, motorists, bike riders, a hairdresser, a sweeper - gets drawn into the movement. With varying degrees of success, they all start going backwards, until the coach that was taking the girl's fiancé away returns to its point of departure and the two young lovers are reunited at last

Title "Rewind"
Original Title "Rembobinage (anglais)"
Agency Publicis Conseil
City Paris
Production Company: Rattling Stick, Wanda
Advertiser Orange
Brand Name Orange TV
Date of First Publication 5/27/2008
Market France
Country of Production France
Language English
Type Television

Executive Creative Director Olivier Altmann
Art Director Frédéric Royer
Copywriter Olivier Camensuli
Director Ringan Ledwidge
Producer Patrick Barbier, Nancy Gabriel, Muriel Allegrini
Strategic Planner Valérie Hénaff
Editor Richard Orrick
Editing Company Work Post
Post Production Mikros Images, Jeanne Raibault, Antoine Daubert
Telecine The Mill
Sound Producer Eric Cervera
Music Composer Amelia Warner
