2008年8月30日 星期六

Huge rally against Taiwan leader Ma Ying-jeou, 2008/08/30

Tens of thousands of demonstrators march through the streets of the capital, Taipei_AP
Huge rally against Taiwan leader Ma Ying-jeou
【BBC News, Taipei, By Caroline Gluck, 2008/8/30】
Tens of thousands of opposition supporters in Taiwan have taken part in a protest in Taipei as President Ma Ying-jeou marked his first 100 days in office.
It was the first mass rally against Mr. Ma since his inauguration, and also comes amid increased worries over his pro-China policies and the economy.
The protesters said he was moving too quickly to improve ties with Beijing.
China claims Taiwan as part of its territory, although they have been governed separately since 1949.
Resignation call
This was the first large-scale protest against President Ma since he took office in May.

Opposition supporters protest on the streets in Taiwan.
His critics - mainly pro-independence groups and members of the opposition Democratic Progressive Party - took to the streets in the capital, chanting slogans, and rallied outside the presidential office, calling for him to step down.
They argue that Mr Ma has been too conciliatory towards China and that his policies have damaged the island's sovereignty.
The president was elected by a landslide in March, promising to work for friendlier ties with China and boost the island's economy.
Last month, the two sides launched regular direct flights for the first time in nearly six decades.
President Ma's administration has also relaxed many restrictions on doing business in China, and allowed more Chinese tourists to visit.
The president's office did not comment on the rally, but officials from the governing Nationalist Party (Kuomintang) said the public should not blame the current administration for the island's economic woes but the previous one, which held office for eight years.
They said the public should be protesting against Taiwan's former President, Chen Shui-bian, and his family, who are being investigated over fresh allegations of money laundering involving millions of dollars.

2008年8月16日 星期六

Chanel 香奈兒 Autumn Winter 2008-2009 Fashion Show

Chanel 香奈兒 Autumn Winter 2008-2009 Fashion Show

Chanel 香奈兒 Autumn Winter 2008-2009 Fashion Show
Karl Lagerfeld

全世界第二場(第一場當然就是在巴黎大皇宮展出的Fashion Show囉...)的Chanel 香奈兒 Autumn Winter 2008-2009 Fashion Show在2008/8/15 於台灣的台北世貿中心南港展覽館原汁原味重現(包含Model)…

2008年8月9日 星期六

梵谷 (Vincent Van Gogh)"Starry Night", "Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear"

Starry Night_Vincent van Gogh 梵谷 Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear_Vincent van Gogh 梵谷
"現代的醫學考証,認為梵谷( Vincent Van Gogh )罹患的是美尼爾症,由他的書信中得知他在日常生活中常受困于耳鳴眩暈。名畫「星月之夜」甚至被耳鼻喉神經耳科醫師解釋為美尼爾氏症發作時,因左耳病變產生的逆時鐘回轉,所以在畫中可見波浪狀旋渦回轉。因為耳鳴、耳閉塞感和聽覺過敏這些困擾更讓他割下左耳送給心愛的妓女,而和另一畫家高更住在一起常常吵架,則更是刺激了眩暈的發作…〞

2008年8月5日 星期二

信義房屋全球佈局 延攬重量級外商精英

信義房屋全球佈局 延攬重量級外商精英
【The Liberty Times 2008/08/05】