2008年6月8日 星期日

Symphony In Red, Konzerthaus Dortmund

Symphony In Red, Konzerthaus Dortmund

Description / Synopsis
A white room, swirls of blood fill the frame, forming the names of the artists, pulsate with the rythm of the music and builds abstract forms.
Title "Symphony In Red"
Agency Jung von Matt/Elbe GmbH
City Hamburg
Advertiser Konzerthaus Dortmund
Brand Name Dortmund Philharmonic Concert Hall
Date of First Publication 4/18/2007
Market Germany
Country of Production Germany
Language English
Type Television & Cinema
Length 120 seconds
Awards: Eurobest, 2007 (Eurobest Gold) for Entertainment & Leisure
International ANDY Awards, 2008 (Silver) for Animation
Awards: International ANDY Awards, 2008 (Gold) for Graphic Design
Awards: Art Directors Annual Awards, 2008 (Gold Cube) for Animation
Awards: CLIO Awards, 2008 (Silver) for Animation
Awards: CLIO Awards, 2008 (Bronze) for Music - Original
Awards: CLIO Awards, 2008 (Bronze) for Visual Effect
Awards: CLIO Awards, 2008 (Bronze) for Entertainment
Creative Director Sascha Hanke, Timm Hanebeck, Wolf Heumann
Art Director Sascha Hanke, Timm Hanebeck
Copywriter Michael Okun, Moritz Grub
Director Niko Tziopanos
Producer Andreas Coutsoumbelis, Martin Woelke
Agency Producer Alexander Schillinsky
Music Composer Fazil Say
Marketing Director Milena Ivkovic
Theatre Manager Benedikt Stampa
