2008年5月31日 星期六

Victoria's Secret “Dream Angels”Dream Angels With Memory Fit

Victoria's Secret “Dream Angels”Dream Angels With Memory Fit

Title "Dream Angels"
Advertiser Victoria's Secret
Brand Name Victoria's Secret
Product Name Dream Angels With Memory Fit
Market United States
Country of Production United States
Language English
Type Television

2008年5月30日 星期五

Orange TV “Rewind”

Orange TV “Rewind”

Description / Synopsis
In a city teeming with life, somewhere in India, a girl stands crying at a bus stop. A taxi driver notices shifts into reverse and begins backing his cab up. Everyone else in the road - pedestrians, motorists, bike riders, a hairdresser, a sweeper - gets drawn into the movement. With varying degrees of success, they all start going backwards, until the coach that was taking the girl's fiancé away returns to its point of departure and the two young lovers are reunited at last

Title "Rewind"
Original Title "Rembobinage (anglais)"
Agency Publicis Conseil
City Paris
Production Company: Rattling Stick, Wanda
Advertiser Orange
Brand Name Orange TV
Date of First Publication 5/27/2008
Market France
Country of Production France
Language English
Type Television

Executive Creative Director Olivier Altmann
Art Director Frédéric Royer
Copywriter Olivier Camensuli
Director Ringan Ledwidge
Producer Patrick Barbier, Nancy Gabriel, Muriel Allegrini
Strategic Planner Valérie Hénaff
Editor Richard Orrick
Editing Company Work Post
Post Production Mikros Images, Jeanne Raibault, Antoine Daubert
Telecine The Mill
Sound Producer Eric Cervera
Music Composer Amelia Warner

2008年5月29日 星期四

HTC Touch "Set Your Fingers Free" 另一個台灣之光

HTC Touch "Set Your Fingers Free" 另一個台灣之光

Title "Set Your Fingers Free"
Agency 180 Amsterdam
City Amsterdam
Advertiser HTC Corporation
Brand Name HTC Touch
Market United States
Country of Production Netherlands
Language English
Type Television
Length 60 seconds
Tagline Set your fingers free.

2008年5月28日 星期三

HP "Baby"

HP "Baby"

Title "Baby"
Original Title "Bébé"
URL www.tousdesartistes.com
Agency Publicis Dialog
City Paris
Advertiser Hewlett-Packard
Brand Name HP
Date of First Publication 4/2008
Market France
Country of Production France
Language French

Creative Director Michel Duval, Dominique Chevallier
Art Director Bruno Maillard
Copywriter Christophe Peyraque
Director Les One in Three
Production Manager Marie Massy
Project Manager Olivier Quiviger, Isabelle Lyon
Account Director Matthieu Faure
Agency Producer Florent Villiers
Advertising Manager Roselyne Ludena, Kim Trinh Thieu

2008年5月27日 星期二

Gillette "Nuns" All Women Love Smooth Legs

Gillette "Nuns" All Women Love Smooth Legs

Title "Nuns"
Agency BBDO New York
City New York
Brand Name Gillette
Product Name Venus
Market United States
Country of Production United States
Language English
Length 45 seconds
Tagline: All Women Love Smooth Legs.

2008年5月26日 星期一

Ford "Blank Canvas" Kuga from Ford. Feel the difference

Ford "Blank Canvas" Kuga from Ford. Feel the difference

To deliver a pan-European multi-media campaign for the Ford Kuga – their first entry into the highly competitive crossover market alongside models such as Toyata's RAV4.
Kuga is positioned as a “Kinetic All Wheel Drive Crossover” and takes its cues from the key principles of “Kinetic Design” – Ford’s new approach to vehicle design, a la the new Mondeo and Focus.
The creative idea is “born from a blank canvas”, and questions and why do objects from our everyday lives have to follow the same old design rules? And in turn, why should a 4x4 have to look like a tank. Not so in the case of Kuga

Title "Blank Canvas"
Agency Ogilvy Advertising
City London
Agency Ogilvy Group Sweden, Stockholm
Production Company: Morton Jankel Zander (MJZ)
Advertiser Ford Motor Company
Date of First Publication 5/21/2008
Market Europe, France, Germany, United Kingdom, Italy, Spain
Country of Production United Kingdom
Language English
Tagline Kuga from Ford. Feel the difference

Creative Director Greg Burke
Creative Team Björn Persson, Richard Baynham, Paul Miles, Adam Staples
Director Nicolai Fuglsig
Account Planner Stephen Wallace
Editing Company Final Cut
Post Production MPC

2008年5月24日 星期六

Louis Vuitton "A Journey"(Awards Edition) & (CF Edition)

Louis Vuitton "A Journey" (Awards Edition)

Title "A Journey" (Awards Edition)
Agency Ogilvy & Mather
City Paris
Advertiser Louis Vuitton
Brand Name Louis Vuitton
Market France, Worldwide
Country of Production France
Language English
Type Television & Cinema
Length 165 seconds
Awards CLIO Awards, 2008 (Gold) for Cinematography

Louis Vuitton "A Journey" (CF Edition)

Louis Vuitton, "Where will life take you"(CF Edition)
Director: Bruno Aveillan
Composer: Gustavo Santaolalla
Length 90 seconds
What is a journey?
A journey is not a trip
It's not a vacation.
It's a process. A discovery.
It's a process of self-discovery.
A journey brings us face to face with ourselves.
A journey shows us not only the world,
but how we fit in it.
Does the person create the journey
or does the journey create the person?
The journey is life itself.
Where will life take you?


2008年5月19日 星期一

HBHousing住商不動產 "優先篇",男經紀人篇+女經紀人篇

HBHousing住商不動產 "優先篇"女經紀人篇

HBHousing住商不動產 "優先篇"男經紀人篇

HBHousing住商不動產 “優先篇”,男經紀人+女經紀人



2008年5月17日 星期六

家麒文化 "林志玲"

家麒文化 "林志玲"


2008年5月16日 星期五

Ford New Mondeo "家庭篇"、"工作篇"【Whole World Around】

Ford New Mondeo "家庭篇"

Daniel Powter丹尼爾2008年最新單曲Whole World Around,將收錄於丹尼爾今年夏天推出的全新專輯中,台灣樂迷藉由【New Mondeo廣告】領先全世界成為第一個聽到2008年最新專輯中最新歌曲Whole World Around的幸運兒。
Title: Ford New Mondeo 家庭篇
Agency: J. Walter Thompson Taiwan智威湯遜廣告台灣分公司
City: Taipei
Advertiser: Ford
Brand Name: Mondeo
Country of Production: Taiwan
Language Taiwan
Date of First Publication 4/21/2008
Music: Daniel Powter ”Whole World Around”
換算之後你是否還記得真實的自己,在New Mondeo柴油渦輪動力車中啟動沉寂的熱情,陪自己走一小段路 你會發現真實的你會跟你在一起,為真實的你前進。

Ford New Mondeo "工作篇"

Suntory "Fireman"

Suntory "Fireman"

Title "Fireman"
Agency Hakuhodo Incorporated
City Tokyo
Advertiser Suntory Limited
Brand Name Suntory
Country of Production Japan
Language English
Awards: Art Directors Annual Awards, 2008 (Silver Cube) for Product/ Service Promotion

洩個人資料 朝野共識最高賠10億

洩個人資料 朝野共識最高賠10億
〔資料來源:The Liberty Times May/16/2008〕
個資外洩嚴重 修法重懲
受害民眾索賠 無需舉證

2008年5月15日 星期四

H&M "SS2008 TV Commercial"

H&M "SS2008 TV Commercial"

Region: France
Advertising Company: H&M
Actor: Daria Werbowy(Canada Fashion Model)

Axe Pulse "Quake"

Axe Pulse "Quake"

Title "Quake"
Agency VegaOlmosPonce
City Acassuso
Advertiser Unilever
Brand Name Axe Pulse
Country of Production Argentina
Language English
Tagline: One Thousand Pulsations Without Perspiration
Executive Creative Director Hernan Ponce
Art Director Martin Ponce
Copywriter Mario Crudele
Director Armando Bo
Agency Producer Selva Dinelli
Post Production Metrovision
Sound Design Company La Casa Post Sound
Music Company / Composer Animal Music


【資料來源:公平交易委員會 2008/05/15】

Mercedes-Benz SLK "Passion 08 The Driver"

Mercedes-Benz SLK "Passion 08 The Driver"

Advertising Agency: Ogilvy Beijing, China
Group Executive Creative Director: Nils Andersson
Creative Director/ Copywriter: Doug Schiff
Creative Director/ Art Director: Michael Wong
Director Producer: Vincent Oster
Director of Photography: Phil Meheux
Stunt Coordinator: Kenny Bates
Production House: Saville Production, USA
Production House: October Pictures Ltd, China
Editor: Jay Friedkin
Senior Producer: Megan Dahlman
Telecine Editor: Rob Scirata (Company 3)
VFX: Evan Guidera (Dominik Bauch)
Audio Mixer: Mike Feldman
Music Composers: Mophonics, LA/NY
Account Service: Raymond Tao, Ronald Sun, Terence Lin, Crystal Chen, Fan Yang


行政院公平交易委員會於本(15)日第862次委員會議決議,愛河不動產有限公司(下稱愛河公司)於從事房屋仲介交易,提出斡旋金要求時,未告知購屋人斡旋金與內政部版「要約書」之區別及其替代關係,隱瞞重要交易資訊,為足以影響交易秩序之欺罔行為,違反公平交易法第24條規定,處愛河公司新臺幣15萬元罰鍰,並命該公司立即停止此一違法行為。  公平會係接獲民眾檢舉表示,96年5月間委託愛河公司購屋,但愛河公司收取斡旋金前,並未向檢舉人說明與內政部版「要約書」之區別及其替代關係。經公平會調查結果,愛河公司為住商實業股份有限公司之高雄漢神加盟店,其基於不動產經紀業者所擁有之交易資訊優勢地位,原應本於資訊透明、信實服務之宗旨,將其所知之交易資訊均予以充分揭露。惟其與檢舉人簽訂之「買賣議價委託書」並未載明使購屋人得簽名確認選擇斡旋金契約或內政部版「要約書」之內容,且愛河公司無法提供已主動告知斡旋金與內政部版「要約書」之替代關係及選擇權利之具體事證,亦無法提供委託人曾審閱「確認書」並行使選擇權之證明。因此公平會認為愛河公司於提出斡旋金要求時,並未充分告知委託人可選擇簽訂內政部版「要約書」之行為,洵堪認定。  
【資料來源:公平交易委員會 2008/05/15】

2008年5月14日 星期三

Levi's "Dangerous Liaisons"

Levi's "Dangerous Liaisons"

Title "Dangerous Liaisons"
Agency Bartle Bogle Hegarty
City London
Advertiser Levi Strauss & Co.
Brand Name Levi's
Country of Production United Kingdom
Length 60 seconds
Awards: Cannes Lions - International Advertising Festival, 2007 (Gold Lion ) for Clothing, Footwear & Accessories
Awards: Cannes Lions - International Advertising Festival, 2007 (Bronze Lion ) for Best Use of Music
Awards: CLIO Awards, 2007 (Bronze) for Apparel/Fashion
Awards: International ANDY Awards, 2008 (Gold) for Editing
Awards: International ANDY Awards, 2008 (Gold) for Fashion Apparel and Accessories

Executive Creative Director John Hegarty
Creative Director Caroline Pay, John O'Keeffe
Art Director Steve Wakelam
Copywriter Steve Wakelam
Director Ringan Ledwidge Production Company Producer Sally Humphries

2008年5月13日 星期二



2008年5月12日 星期一

Playing Audi A4 Avant: "Thermo vision"

Playing Audi A4 Avant: "Thermo vision"

Advertising Agency: DDB Milan, Italy
Creative Director: Vicky Gitto
Art Directors: Gallardo Hugo, Guerrera Francesco
Copywriter: Lampugnani Nicola
Production Company: Movie Magic
Director: Marcus Walter
Post Production Company: La Maison
Aired: May 2008

2008年5月11日 星期日

"Happy Mother's Day", Pearle Vision, Wendy

"Happy Mother's Day", Pearle Vision, Wendy

Title "Wendy"
Agency Arnold Worldwide (Boston)
City Boston
Advertiser Pearle Vision, Inc.
Date of First Publication 5/11/2008
Market United States
Country of Production United States
Language English
Type Television
Tagline: We want you to see more.
Creative Director Chris Edwards, Bob Pye
Art Director Pam Coatti
Chief Creative Officer Pete Favat
Copywriter Bill Girouard
Agency Producer Paul Fortuin

Happy Mother's Day, Pepsi

Happy Mother's Day, Pepsi

Mother's Day Lamb

Mother's Day Lamb

Title "Mother's Day Lamb"
Agency BMF
City Pyrmont
Production Company: The Sweet Shop
Advertiser Meat & Livestock Australia
Brand Name Lamb
Market New Zealand
Country of Production Australia
Length 60 seconds
Executive Creative Director Warren Brown
Copywriter Dennis Koutoulogenis
Director Noah Marshall
Production Company Producer Tony Whyman
Editor Tim Mauger

2008年5月10日 星期六

史上最強"隱喻性攻擊式"廣告之一 "Pepsi vs Coke"

Pepsi "Vending Machine"【行銷學補充教材】

Description / Synopsis
This ad was originally a spec spot and was later purchased by Pepsi for the Latin market.
Title "Vending Machine"
Advertiser PepsiCo
Brand Name Pepsi
Business Sector Soft Drinks, Tonics
Market United States
Country of Production United States
Language English
Type Television
Length 30 seconds
Awards: First Boards Awards, 2002 (Runner Up: Chris Immel) for Editors
Awards: First Boards Awards, 2002 (Runner Up: Patrick Sherman) for Directors
Director Patrick Sherman
Editor Chris Immel
Editing Company Rock Paper Scissors

2008年5月9日 星期五

"Love can't be a problem"

Ariel Souvenirs "Love can't be a problem"

Advertising Agency: Del Campo Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi
Creatives: Gaston Bigio, Jonathan Gurvit, Natalia Gioiosa, Pato Gómez, Gabriel Huici, Jorge Ponce Betti, Ignacio Zuccarino, Daniel Fierro
Director: Martin Hodara
Production: Palermo Films

2008年5月8日 星期四

Vodafone "Mayfly"

Vodafone "Mayfly"

Title "Mayfly (100 sec.)"
Agency Bartle Bogle Hegarty
City London
Production Company: Gorgeous Enterprises, Passion Pictures
Advertiser Vodafone
Market United Kingdom
Country of Production United Kingdom
Language English
Type Television
Length 100 seconds
Awards: D&AD Awards, 2006 (Yellow Pencil) for TV & Cinema Crafts / Animation & Motion Graphics
Awards: CLIO Awards, 2006 (Silver) for Animation
Awards: British Television Craft Awards, 2006 (Winner) for Best Video Production
Awards: The APA Show / APA 50, 2006
Awards: CLIO Awards, 2006 (Bronze) for Cinematography
Awards: Epica, 2006 (Winner) for Communication Services
Executive Creative Director John O'Keeffe
Art Director Nick Gill, Ewan Paterson
Copywriter Nick Gill, Ewan Paterson
Director Peter Thwaites
Producer Ben Link
Sound Designer Jack Sedgewick
Music Composer K-OS
Animation Director Darren Walsh

Camelot "The Big Win / Bag of Smiles"

Camelot "The Big Win / Bag of Smiles"

Title "The Big Win / Bag of Smiles"
Agency Abbott Mead Vickers BBDO
City London
Advertiser Camelot Group
Brand Name Camelot
Product Name Lottery
Business Sector Lottery & Gambling
Date of First Publication 3/1/2006
Market United Kingdom
Country of Production United Kingdom
Language English
Awards: Cannes Lions - International Advertising Festival, 2006 (Bronze Lion ) for Entertainment & Leisure
Awards: British Television Craft Awards, 2006 (Winner) for Best Computer Animation
Awards: British Television Craft Awards, 2006 (Shortlist) for Best Use of Recorded Music
Awards: Kinsale Sharks Awards Advertising Festival, 2006 (Bronze) for International TV: Corporate Image
Awards: The APA Show / APA 50, 2006
Awards: Epica, 2006 (Winner) for Recreation & Leisure
Awards: Eurobest, 2006 (Eurobest Gold) for Entertainment & Leisure
Awards: Midsummer Awards, 2006 (Gold) for Leisure & Media
Awards: British Television Advertising Awards (BTAA), 2007 (Silver) for Corporate
Awards: British Television Advertising Awards (BTAA), 2006 (Bronze) for Best 60 second TV Commercial
Awards: Advertising Creative Circle Awards, 2007 (Gold) for Best Use of Music
Awards: Advertising Creative Circle Awards, 2007 (Gold) for Best Use of Animation
Awards: Advertising Creative Circle Awards, 2007 (Bronze) for Best TV Commercial
Awards: CLIO Awards, 2007 (Gold) for Animation
Awards: CLIO Awards, 2007 (Silver) for Direction
Awards: CLIO Awards, 2007 (Gold) for Animation
Executive Creative Director Pietro Maestri
Creative Director Paul Brazier
Associate Creative Director Alberto Citterio
Art Director Stefano Fantini, Graham Storey
Copywriter Phil Cockrell, Giovanni Salvaggio
Director Gaetano Vaudo
Producer Moviefarm

2008年5月7日 星期三

Victoria's Secret Commercial Collections 2008

Victoria's Secret Commercial Collections 2008 Lingerie

Title: “Victoria's Secret Commercial Collections 2008"
Advertiser: Victoria's Secret
Brand Name: Victoria's Secret
Business Sector Lingerie, Underwear, Pajamas
Country of Production: United States
Language: English
Date of First Publication: Jan-May/2008
Length: 328 seconds

2008年5月6日 星期二

Hermes "L'Air de Paris Series"

Hermes "L'Air de Paris Series" 01
Hermes "L'Air de Paris Series" 02
Hermes "L'Air de Paris Series" 03
Hermes "L'Air de Paris Series" 04
Hermes "L'Air de Paris Series" 05
Hermes "L'Air de Paris Series" 06
Hermes “L'Air de Paris Series”
Agency Publicis EtNous
City Paris
Advertiser Hermès
Brand Name Hermès
Product Name L'Air de Paris
Market France
Country of Production France
Language French
Type Magazine
Awards: Grand Prix de la Publicité Presse Magazine, 2006 (Prize) for Fashion
Awards: Grand Prix de la Publicité Presse Magazine, 2006 (Timelessness Prize)
Creative Director Philippe Chanet
Art Director Philippe Chanet
Photographer Camilla Akrans

The Ritz-Carlton "Romance", "Joy", "Relaxation"

The Ritz-Carlton "Romance"
The Ritz-Carlton "Joy"
The Ritz-Carlton "Relaxation"
The Ritz-Carlton "Romance", "Joy", "Relaxation"
Title: “Romance”, “Joy”, “Relaxation”
Agency Team One
City El Segundo
Advertiser The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Co.
Brand Name The Ritz-Carlton
Product Name Hotels/Luxury Hotels
Date of First Publication 6/1/2005
Market United States
Country of Production United States
Executive Creative Director Chris Graves
Creative Director Christopher Wilson
Copywriter Kathy Hepinstall
Account Director Julie Michael
Account Executive Shawn Kennedy
Photographer Rodney Smith

Playing Axe Body Spray. "You're Needed at the Axe Cottage"

Playing Axe Body Spray. "You're Needed at the Axe Cottage"

Advertising Agency: Zig, Canada
Executive Creative Director: Martin Beauvais
Art Director: Craig Ferguson
Copywriter: Steven Barr
Producers: Anna Tricinci
Team Leader: Rhonda McCabe
Strategic Planner: Subtej Nijjar

2008年5月5日 星期一

Hermes "Hermes woman"

Hermes "Hermes woman"
Título "Hermès woman 3"
Original título "Hermès Femme 3"
Agencia Publicis EtNous
Ciudad Paris
Anunciante Hermès
País de producción Francia
Tipo Prensa y publicaciones
Awards: Grand Prix de la Publicité Presse Magazine, 2005 (Best Art Direction)
Awards: Grand Prix de la Publicité Presse Magazine, 2006 (Timeless Prize)
Director creativo Philippe Chanet
Fotógrafo Greg Kadel

Hermes "Rowing woman"

Hermes "Rowing woman"
Título "Rowing woman"
Original título "Femme qui rame"
Agencia Publicis EtNous
Ciudad Paris
Anunciante Hermès
País de producción Francia
Tipo Prensa y publicaciones
Awards: Grand Prix de la Publicité Presse Magazine, 2005 (Prize) for Fashion
Awards: Grand Prix de la Publicité Presse Magazine, 2005 (Grand Prix)
Director creativo Philippe Chanet
Fotógrafo Solve Sundsbo

Hermes "Woman in Hermes Coat"

Hermes "Woman in Hermes Coat"
Título "Woman in Hermès Coat"
Original título "Femme en manteau Hermès"
Agencia Publicis EtNous
Ciudad Paris
Anunciante Hermès
País de producción Francia
Tipo Prensa y publicaciones
Awards: Grand Prix de la Publicité Presse Magazine, 2005 (Prize) for Fashion
Awards: Grand Prix de la Publicité Presse Magazine, 2005 (Grand Prix)
Director creativo Philippe Chanet
Fotógrafo Solve Sundsbo

GlaxoSmithKline "Strep-tease Legs"

GlaxoSmithKline "Strep-tease Legs"
Description / Synopsis
Women know that the art of seduction is built on small but special gestures: hands kindly slipping off stay-ups, arms softly unveling skin softness. The same rituality that characterizes those moments when women take care of their body to make it more attractive, as during the hair-removal. Strep helps them to be more seducing before the big show: so, let’s the Strep-tease begin.
Title "Strep-tease Legs"
Agency Grey Worldwide Italia Spa
City Milano
Advertiser GlaxoSmithKline
Brand Name Strep
Business Sector Shaving
Date of First Publication 4/5/2008
Market Italy
Country of Production Italy
Type Print
Executive Creative Director Francesco Emiliani
Art Director Letizia Bozzolini
Copywriter Livia Cappelletti
Account Director Lilli Guacci

2008年5月4日 星期日

Louis Vuitton_ "Graff/Agassi" ; "Gorbachev"; "Catherine Deneuve"

Louis Vuitton_ "Graff/Agassi"
Louis Vuitton_ "Gorbachev"
Louis Vuitton_ "Catherine Deneuve"

Louis Vuitton_ Graff/Agassi ;Gorbachev; Catherine Deneuve
Título " Graff/Agassi ;Gorbachev; Catherine Deneuve "
Agencia Ogilvy & Mather
Ciudad Paris
Anunciante Louis Vuitton
Nombre de la marca Louis Vuitton
País de producción Francia
Idioma Francés
Tipo Prensa y publicaciones
Awards: Grand Prix de la Publicité Presse Magazine, 2007 (Winner) for Fashion accessories/Shoes
Director creativo Christian Reuilly
Director artístico Antoaneta Metchanova
Responsable de conceptos / redactor Edgard Montjean
Fotógrafo Annie Leibovitz
Actor / Graff/Agassi ;Gorbachev; Catherine Deneuve
Louis Vuitton, "Where will life take you"
Louis Vuitton, "Where will life take you"
Director: Bruno Aveillan
Composer: Gustavo Santaolalla
Date of First Publication: March, 2008
What is a journey?
A journey is not a trip
It's not a vacation.
It's a process. A discovery.
It's a process of self-discovery.
A journey brings us face to face with ourselves.
A journey shows us not only the world,
but how we fit in it.
Does the person create the journey
or does the journey create the person?
The journey is life itself.
Where will life take you?

2008年5月3日 星期六

JC Penney "Magic"

JC Penney "Magic"

Title "Magic"
Agency Saatchi & Saatchi
City New York
Brand Name JC Penney
Country of Production United States
Length 60 seconds
Awards: International ANDY Awards, 2008 (Gold) for Best Use Existing Music

2008年5月2日 星期五

Havaianas "Daisy Flower Bed" & "Colorful"

Havaianas "Daisy Flower Bed" & "Colorful"
Title "Daisy Flower Bed "
Agency BBDO New York
City New York
Advertiser Havaianas
Country of Production United States
Type Outdoor / Out of Home
Awards: International ANDY Awards, 2008 (Silver) for Fashion, Apparel and Accessories Campaign

2008年5月1日 星期四

Diesel "Global Warming Ready"- Mont Rushmore, New York, Venizia

Diesel "Global Warming Ready"- Mont Rushmore
Diesel "Global Warming Ready"- New York Diesel "Global Warming Ready"- Venizia
Diesel "Global Warming Ready"- Mont Rushmore, New York, Venizia
Ciudad Paris
Anunciante Diesel
Nombre de Campaña Global Warming Ready
Mercado Francia
País de producción Francia
Awards: Cannes Lions - International Advertising Festival, 2007 (Silver Lion Campaign) for Clothing, Footwear & Accessories
Awards: Eurobest, 2007 (Eurobest Gold Campaign) for Clothing Footwear & Accessories
Awards: Eurobest, 2007 (Eurobest Gold Campaign) for Clothing Footwear & Accessories
Awards: Grand Prix de la Publicité Presse Magazine, 2007 (Winner) for Fashion
Awards: Grand Prix de la Publicité Presse Magazine, 2007 (Special Jury's award)
Director creativo Frédéric Témin
Director artístico Nicolas Chauvin, Romin Favre
Responsable de conceptos / redactor Frédéric Témin
Fotógrafo Terry Richardson