2008年2月25日 星期一

Coca Cola, "All Brands, Every Bottle Counts..."

Coca Cola, "All Brands, Every Bottle Counts..."

Description / Synopsis
Using the new bottles as the hero of the spot, a two man ‘Coca-Cola Bottle Orchestra’ was put together, to showcase the importance of every single bottle.
In the story our ‘Coca-Cola Bottle Orchestra’ begin playing the opening note of Supertramp’s hit song, Give a little Bit, in a scenic city centre street in Helsinki using each bottle to ‘blow’ a different note. As a crowd quickly gathers to watch the excitement, one of our heroes accidentally knock over one of his bottle he is playing, stopping the song before he can blow the most important note. Seeing what has happened a pretty young girl hands our hero her bottle, which he then uses to blow the final note before the song swells, and the crowd which has now become large enough to fill the entire street dances and signs along with great exuberance.
In January 2008 all major bottlers in Finland, in accordance with Finnish environmental authorities, were responsible to switch from a refillable bottle to recyclable bottle.
Subsequently, when Coca-Cola Finland decided to be the first company out of the gates, with an integrated marketing campaign to launch the new recyclable bottle, all parties involved knew immediately that something totally original had to be created.

Title: "Every Bottle Counts"
Agency: Publicis International Oy
City: Helsinki
Production Company: Woodpecker Film Oy
Advertiser: Coca-Cola Company
Brand Name: All Brands
Product Name: New Bottles
Date of First Publication: 12/29/2007
Market: Finland
Country of Production: Finland
Language: English
Type: Television
