2009年6月1日 星期一

Road Safety“The Calls._We all can stop it. Then let's do it”

Road Safety “The Calls._We all can stop it. Then let's do it”
Title "The Calls"
Original Title "Les coups de fil"
Agency Lowe Stratéus
City Paris
Production Company: Hamster Publicité
Advertiser Direction de la Sécurité et de la Circulation Routières
Brand Name DSCR
Product Name Road Safety
Date of First Publication 5/7/2008
Market France
Country of Production France
Language French
Type Television
Tagline We all can stop it. Then let's do it
Original Tagline Nous pouvons tous arrêter ça. Alors faisons le
Creative Director Vincent Behaeghel
Art Director Philippe Lopez
Copywriter Jocelyn Berthat
Director Elisabeth Marre, Olivier Pont
