2008年11月13日 星期四

Comite Francais du Parfum "Le Parfum"

Comite Francais du Parfum "Le Parfum"

Description / Synopsis
A man is seated on a bench in a public garden. A woman arrives behind him and hides his eyes with her hands. The man breathes in and realizes that it's the perfume of his sweetheart : he turns around and kisses her. Endline : Parfume. A gift as intimate as love.
The French Perfume Comity wants to make the perfume as the ideal Valentine's gift. However, a bouquet is the gift mostly quoted . The aim is to supersede the bouquet.
Because perfume is worn in direct contact with skin, and because it enables to recognize somebody while your eyes are closed, perfume is the most intimate gift for Valentine's day.

Title "Perfume"
Original Title "Le Parfum"

Agency Les Ouvriers d'à côté
City Paris
Production Company: Dynamo
Advertiser Comité Français du Parfum
Product Name French Perfume Comity
Business Sector Perfumes
Date of First Publication 2/7/2003
Market France
Country of Production France
Language French
Type Television
Length 15 seconds
Tagline Perfume. A Gift As Intimate As Love.
Original Tagline Le parfum. Un cadeau aussi personnel que l'amour
