2010年8月16日 星期一

梵谷 (Vincent Van Gogh)"Starry Night", "Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear"

Starry Night_Vincent van Gogh 梵谷 Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear_Vincent van Gogh 梵谷
"現代的醫學考証,認為梵谷( Vincent Van Gogh )罹患的是美尼爾症,由他的書信中得知他在日常生活中常受困于耳鳴眩暈。名畫「星月之夜」甚至被耳鼻喉神經耳科醫師解釋為美尼爾氏症發作時,因左耳病變產生的逆時鐘回轉,所以在畫中可見波浪狀旋渦回轉。因為耳鳴、耳閉塞感和聽覺過敏這些困擾更讓他割下左耳送給心愛的妓女,而和另一畫家高更住在一起常常吵架,則更是刺激了眩暈的發作…〞

Title: "Vincent Van Gogh"
Agency: Pace Advertising
City: New York
Production Company: Velocity Films
Advertiser: Coronation Fund Managers
Brand Name: Coronation Fund Managers
Business Sector: Banking & Financial Services, Investments, Stock Brokers
Country of Production: South Africa
Language: English
