2011年10月28日 星期五

Fullon Hotel Tamsui Fishermen’s Wharf 福容淡水漁人碼頭郵輪飯店

Fullon Hotel Tamsui Fishermen’s Wharf 福容淡水漁人碼頭郵輪飯店

Fullon Hotel Tamsui Fishermen’s Wharf 福容淡水漁人碼頭郵輪飯店
Fullon Hotel Tamsui Fishermen’s Wharf, opened in June, 2011, is located in Fishermen’s Wharf and near the estuary of Tamsui River. An overlook of Guanyin Mountain and Bali ferries and a gaze at golden sunset are sure to amaze the guest.
Shaped as a giant cruise liner, the Hotel offers 198 rooms, entertainment facilities including a spa, a swimming pool and a gym, and a column-free, high-end banquet hall that holds up to 100 tables. Besides, Marina Bay Plaza, the retail area and art street outside of the Hotel, provide one-stop shopping for the traveler.
The Hotel is accompanied by a revolving tower, the Lovers’ Tower, on which Lih Pao Construction spent four years and more than NTD 300 million. Built upon German hardware with strict safety standards, the 100-meter tower can fit up to 80 visitors to glance over a panorama of Tamsui, the Taiwan Straits and Guanyin Mountain. The guest will be imprinted with fond memories of the town in drizzle, misting morning or poetic sunset.
Fullon Hotel Tamsui Fishermen’s Wharf 福容淡水漁人碼頭遊輪大飯店
令人一生驚豔的郵輪飯店 福容大飯店 淡水漁人碼頭停泊於淡水出海口,美麗優雅的郵輪外型讓人嘆為觀止,因之有“福容愛之船”的美譽,遠眺壯麗山河景致,坐擁迷人淡水八景;並規劃198間豪華舒適客房,SPA、三溫暖、戶外泳池等多樣娛樂設施,奢華挑高無柱劇場式宴會廳,世紀完美婚宴、專業會議展演的最佳首選。
