2008年1月12日 星期六

Axe "No"

Axe “No”
Description / Synopsis
The objective is to communicate that Axe's effect and fragrance lasts 24 hs. A guy meets a girl on the street and asks her to have a coffee with him. She always turns down his proposals but he'll continue asking her out to other places until he acomplishes the ultimate challenge.

Agency: VegaOlmosPonce
Production Company: La Banda Films
Advertiser: Unilever
Brand Name Axe
Market: Argentina
Awards: Cannes Lions - International Advertising Festival, 2005 (Bronze Lion ) for Cosmetics & Beauty
Awards: El Sol Festival Publicitario Iberoamericano (San Sebastián), 2005 (Silver Sun) for Hygiene & Beauty Products

Creative Director: Sebastián Stagno, Rafael D'Alvia, Hernán Ponce
Art Director: Ricardo Armentano
Copywriter: Analía Ríos
Director: Jose Pratt
Producer: Paco Cosio
Agency Producer: Roberto Carsillo
