2011年1月15日 星期六

Christmas operation: Unexpected Luggage

Christmas operation: Unexpected Luggage
TITLE : Unexpected Luggage
BRAND : Spanair
AGENCY : Shackleton Group
SUMMARY : In a very competitive world of travels, Spanair has differentiated itself thanks to an interesting promotion during the holidays. While most families enjoy Christmas dinner, there are others who are traveling. For these travelers also can live a special night, the airline Spanair has performed an action that has made this Xmas night something to remember. To collect their luggage, passengers of Spanair flight from Barcelona to Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, have encountered more than their luggage. Conveyor belt has gone out personalized gifts for every one of them. This action and the promotion made around it (specially on the internet) strengthens the proximity of the company with its customers.
