2011年4月4日 星期一

New Axe Excite. Even Angels will fall-AXE"墜落天使"行銷案

AXE墜落天使行銷案 AXE 香水去年首先提出以文案「Even angels will fall」為精神主旨的行銷案,意指連天使都會為之墜落的芬芳香水,因此在去年12月首先釋出了這支廣告。畫面的唯美清楚的描繪了天使降臨人間的不可思義的氛圍,其實強調畫面美感的廣告,雖然不一定會帶來最佳的廣告效果,卻一定會令消費者留下深刻的印象,AXE 首先就先透過電視廣告在大眾腦海中曝光,烙下印記為接下來的行銷做準備。

今年3月 AXE 在倫敦的維多利亞車站,繼續讓天使「墜落」,AXE 利用「擴增實境」技術讓天使直接墜落在車站的大廳,墜落在遊客的身邊。仔細的說這樣子的行銷手法或許也參雜了台灣正流行的「正妹行銷」方法,畢竟自己的身旁如果墜落了這個一個美若天仙的天使,任誰都會想要多跟他互動一會兒。所以 AXE 的目的就達到了,為的就是消費者能夠首先喚起腦海中,對先前廣告的美好印象,再透過科技,將消費者拉入看到的廣告情節中,實際的去感受與互動, 對 AXE 品牌留下最好的印象,更近一步提升銷售量。

Title "Even Angels Will Fall" Agency Bartle Bogle Hegarty City London Campaign Even Angels Will Fall Date of First Publication 2/2011 Advertiser Unilever Brand Axe/Lynx Excite variant Story The ad show the residents of a picturesque European town going about their daily business, when suddenly beautiful female anges begin to fall from the sky, and search out the gorgeous young man who has captivated them by using new Lynx Excite. The ad breaks to the man spraying Lynx Exicte onto himself in his bedroom. Philosophy Excite is a fragrance so good that when you spray it, even angels will fall from the sky. Tagline New Axe Excite. Even Angels will fall Type Television & Cinema Soundtrack Sexy Boys Creative Director Mr. Dominic Goldman Creative Team Mr. Dean Woodhouse Creative Team Mr. Hugo Bierschenk Director Mr. Rupert Sanders Production Company MJZ Director of Photography Mr. Alex Barber Producer Ms. Suza Horvat Account Director Keir Mather Agency Producer Chris Watling Agency Producer Mr. Davud Karbassioun Editor Mr. Bill Smedley Editing Company Work Post Post Production The Mill Music The Fallen Angels Sound Wave Studio Performer Ms. Magda Klebanska
