2008年1月31日 星期四

Whirlpool "Sea, The power to get more done"

Whirlpool “Sea, The power to get more done”
Title: Whirlpool “Sea, The power to get more done”
Advertiser: Whirlpool
Country of Production: United States
Language: English
Tagline The power to get more done.
請與 Ariston Aqualtis “Underwater World”比較

2008年1月29日 星期二

Depression risk 'highest in 40s' --44歲易患憂鬱 U形人生谷底

Depression risk 'highest in 40s'
【Original: BBC News 29,January, 2008】
Depression risk 'highest in 40s' 中年危機 憂鬱44歲 U形人生谷底
Life may begin at 40, but research suggests that 44 is the age at which we are most vulnerable to depression.
Data analysis on two million people from 80 countries found a remarkably consistent pattern around the world.
The risk of depression was lowest in younger and older people, with the middle-aged years associated with the highest risk for both men and women.
The study, by the University of Warwick and Dartmouth College in the US, will feature in Social Science & Medicine.
The only country which recorded a significant gender difference was the US, where unhappiness reached a peak around the age of 40 for women, and 50 for men.
Previous research has suggested that the risk of unhappiness and depression stays relatively constant throughout life.
However, the latest finding - of a peak risk in middle age - was consistent around the globe, and in all types of people.
Researcher Professor Andrew Oswald, an economist at the University of Warwick, said: "It happens to men and women, to single and married people, to rich and poor, and to those with and without children."
He said the reason why middle age was a universally vulnerable time was unclear.
Count your blessings
However, he said: "One possibility is that individuals learn to adapt to their strengths and weaknesses, and in mid-life quell their infeasible aspirations.
"Another possibility is that a kind of comparison process is at work in which people have seen similar-aged peers die and value more their own remaining years. Perhaps people somehow learn to count their blessings."
Professor Oswald said for the average person, the dip in mental health and happiness comes on slowly, not suddenly in a single year.
Only in their 50s do most people emerge from the low period.
"But encouragingly, by the time you are 70, if you are still physically fit then on average you are as happy and mentally healthy as a 20-year-old.
"Perhaps realizing that such feelings are completely normal in midlife might even help individuals survive this phase better."
Marjorie Wallace, chief executive of the mental health charity Sane, said: "This study raises intriguing questions about the processes that lead to depression in mid-life, as well as indicating what a common experience it is worldwide.
"Depression is a complex and challenging condition that remains poorly understood, with as many as one in ten people with severe depression taking their own life.
"We welcome any scientific contribution to our understanding of this illness, particularly if the research can aid the development of better treatments, both therapeutic and pharmaceutical."
Andy Bell, of the Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health, said mental health problems were extremely common - but he stressed they could occur at any time in life.

"Depression. To know more to finish with it "

Title: "Depression. To know more to finish with it "
Original Title: "La Dépression"
Agency: CLM BBDO
City: Boulogne Billancourt
Advertiser: Institut National de Prévention & d'Education pour la Santé
Campaign Name: Depression. To know more to finish with it
Date of First Publication :10/29/2007
Market: France
Country of Production: France
Language: French
Art Director: Nicolas Sylvander
Copywriter: Romain Goehrs
Agency Producer: Isabelle Fizellier
Account Manager: Pascal Couvry, Maité Bernier
Illustration: Olivier Tallec
Animation: Godefroy Fouray
Advertising Manager: Nicolas Civatte, Aurélie Martzel, Lucile Bluzat

GlaxoSmithKline "Depression"

GlaxoSmithKline "Depression"
Title: "Depression"
Agency: Grey Global Group, Inc.
City: New York
Advertiser: GlaxoSmithKline
Market: United States
Country of Production: United States

Playing Centea "Doing more is our nature"

Playing Centea “Doing more is our nature”
Centea is in Belgium known for Banking business and insurances. The bank managers work harder for their clients because the managers are all independent.
Playing Centea "Doing more is our nature"
Advertising Agency: Darwin BBDO, Belgium
Creative Director: Gaston Kooijmans
Art Director: Maarten Hofman
Copywriter: Katrin Van Eycken
Photographer: Kurt Stallaert
Aired: 2008/1/20

法拍屋 統統上網亮相

法拍屋 統統上網亮相

2008年1月28日 星期一

林韋良單人扯3鈴勇奪3大獎 大喊:"我來自台灣 I come from Taiwan"

林韋良單人扯3鈴勇奪3大獎 大喊:"我來自台灣 I come from Taiwan"

麥當勞文憑 英政府認可 & McDonald's Case study

麥當勞文憑 英政府認可 & McDonald's Case study
【資料來源:BBC, 自由時報2008/01/29】
(三家公司在職訓練 授予文憑)
英國鐵路公司Network Rail、廉價航空公司Flybe與麥當勞等三家大企業,將成為首批有權授與英國課程和學歷管理局證書的公司。
(私人公司學位 日益普及)
鐵路公司「Network Rail」則將提供鐵路工程資格證書,內容涵蓋技術、健康與安全領域,通過者最高可獲博士學位,該公司說,全公司三萬三千名員工與包商都可上課,多數受訓者可獲第二到第三級證書。

McDonald's “McWake up” Case study
McDonald's enjoyed this sizeable leadership position until a proliferation of outsiders came to town and redefined breakfast. From this point on, breakfast in Chicago would never be the same…
Breakfast became much more than a 2 for $3 sandwich deal and a cup of joe. In order for McDonald's to compete, it became necessary to connect with consumers on more than just product and price. It had to be about the experience as well. McDonald's had to engage consumers in an ongoing dialogue and unique experience with the brand.
The marketing challenge was clear: remind consumers of the great value and breakfast varieties at McDonald's in a relevant and engaging way. Get them to forgo their fancy bagels, oversized muffins, flavored coffee drink, and double tall, skim, no whip, half decaf caramel lattes.
Our goal was to make McDonald's part of Chicagoans’ daily morning routine by owning one of the most intimate parts of the morning...waking up.
Everyone has a morning routine. This was the consumer insight that drove our big idea. For some the day begins with a morning cup of coffee. Others need to hit the gym before feeling fully awake. But few people wake up in the morning and ask, “What am I going to eat at McDonald's this morning?” But why not? Why couldn’t we put McDonald's breakfast back in the minds of consumers? McDonald's had outstanding breakfast and it was imperative that Chicagoans were reminded of this.
Rather than merely talking at consumers with a breakfast message, we created a forum to engage consumers in a locally relevant, two-way communication with McDonald's: a free hotel-style wake up call service in which Chicagoland consumers could schedule next-day wake up calls from local Chicago celebrities.
A wide range of Chicago celebrities were featured on the phonebank. The celebrity line up ranged from former Bears football player Steve McMichael to Chicago bred band Cheap Trick to Cubs and Sox baseball players. Not to mention, Nancy Faust, the beloved organ player at Wrigley Field, the Cubs stadium.
It was critical to make McDonald's the very first thought for consumers in the morning and the very last thought before going to bed. To do this, we tied the 1-888-GoMcWakeup to a Chicago tradition: the rivalry between the city’s two beloved baseball teams, the White Sox and the Cubs. For most Chicago fans the rivalry is already part of their morning and evening routines. In the mornings, the day doesn’t start without getting the latest sports update with which to taunt co-workers or friends of the opposing team. Few go to bed without making sure their team did better than the rivaling team.
We asked Chicagoans to “wake up the rivalry” by using 1-888-GoMcWakeup when they thought about their beloved sports teams in the morning and at night. A Sox or Cubs fan could show team support by requesting a wake up call from his/her favorite player. In doing so, 1-888-GoMcWakeup would communicate not only a Chicago tradition but also the McDonald's 2 for $3 breakfast message to Chicagoland consumers. This ensured that McDonald's and 1-888-GoMcWakeup were the last thing Chicagoland consumers saw before going to sleep, and their very first thought in the morning.
Communication needed to reflect how the McDonald's brand is part of the sports rivalry of Chicagoland. The request that Chicagoans “wake up the rivalry” by using 1-888-GoMcWakeup was integrated into virtually each part of Chicagoland McDonald's advertising. Television ads featured Chicago White Sox players AJ Pierzynski and Jermaine Dye and Cubs players Carlos Zambrano and Michael Barrett giving personal wake up calls to each other. Their humorous methods for waking each other up not only woke the players but also the rivalry. “wake up the rivalry” and 1-888-Go McWakeup were also brought to life in radio spots.
A web campaign brought “wake up the rivalry” into Chicago’s digital space with ads featured on both the Sox and Cubs websites along with favorite Chicago news and social pages. The campaign culminated in a website, www.mcwakeup.com that provided a “wake up the rivalry” experience along with the ability for consumers to digitally request 1-888-GoMcWakeup calls.
Communication was also placed in the popular local newspaper, Chicago Red Eye, to speak to Chicagoans. McDonald's store windows also featured “wake up the rivalry” and 1-888-GoMcWakeup communication integrated into breakfast messaging.
The campaign was a tremendous success, beating projections and creating greater buzz and sales for McDonald's morning meals.
Title: "McWake up"
Agency: Leo Burnett Company
City: Chicago
Advertiser: McDonald's
Brand Name: McDonald's
Market: United States
Country of Production: United States
Awards: The Golden Drum Awards, 2007 (Golden Drum) for Media Campaigns

Title: McDonald's "Couple"
Agency: Leo Burnett Sydney
City: McMahons Point
Production Company: Fat Ltd.
Advertiser: McDonald's
Brand Name: McDonald's
Market Worldwide
Country of Production: Australia
Awards: International Food and Beverage Creative Excellence Awards - FAB Awards, 2006 (FAB) for TV / The Retailers
Awards: American Advertising Awards, ADDY, 2006 (Gold) for Campaign
Creative: Director Glen Ryan
Art Director: Tim Bishop, David Smith
Copywriter: David Smith, Tim Bishop
Director: Ned Wenlock
Producer: Nicci Lock

聲援西藏,英王儲拒絕北京奧運 Prince Charles' Olympic-sized snub to China

Prince Charles' Olympic-sized snub to China 聲援西藏,英王儲拒絕北京奧運
【資料來源:Telegraph newspaper 2008/01/29】
Prince Charles' Olympic-sized snub to China
The Prince of Wales has snubbed the Chinese government by refusing to attend the Olympic Games in Beijing this summer.
【Telegraph Royal coverage in full】
The Prince made his decision known to campaigners for a free Tibet, who had been calling on him to show solidarity with those who believe the Games risk obscuring China's human rights record.
He gave no reason for his decision, and neither did he say whether he had received a formal invitation.
But recently he has been wooed by the Chinese, and particularly their new ambassador in London, who had made it her personal mission to encourage him to go.
"As you know, His Royal Highness has long taken a close interest in Tibet and indeed has been pleased to meet His Holiness the Dalai Lama on several occasions," a letter, written to the Free Tibet Campaign by Clive Alderton, the Prince's deputy private secretary, said.
"You asked if the Prince of Wales would be attending the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics in 2008. His Royal Highness will not be attending the ceremony."
Separately, the Prince's staff have made clear he will not be attending the Games at any stage during the summer.
Although the letter avoids backing the group's position on the Games, the Free Tibet Campaign welcomed the decision, with which it intends to launch a campaign to persuade other prominent figures not to attend in protest at Chinese policies.
"We welcome Prince Charles's decision to stay away from the Games, and call on other public figures and politicians to follow suit," said Matt Whitticase, a Free Tibet Campaign spokesman.
"The deterioration of the human rights situation in Tibet and China since the Games were awarded is deplorable and can only mean that these Games rightly are destined to be known as the Games of shame." ....
【資料來源:Telegraph newspaper英國每日電訊報, 自由時報2008/01/29】
(查爾斯 長期關注西藏人權)
Title: " Cross, Beijing 2008. See The Whole Game "
Agency: Euro RSCG Switzerland
City: Zürich
Advertiser: GSTF - Swiss-Tibetan Friendship Association
Country of Production: Switzerland
Language English
Tagline: Beijing 2008. See The Whole Game
Creative: Director Frank Bodin
Art Director: Urs Hartmann
Copywriter: Jürg Waeber
Agency Producer: Edi Burri
Photographer: Stefan Minder
Illustrator: Blue Horizon

2008年1月27日 星期日

Nike "Just do it" Ads case study...

Nike "Just do it" Ads case study...
1. Nike_Just do it_Sharapova
2. Nike_Just do it_Chien-Ming Wang 王建民
3. Nike_Just do it_Red Sox Fans
4. Nike_Just do it_Ballerina
5. Nike_Just do it_Magnet
6. Nike_Just do it_Unbelievable_Tiger Woods
1. Nike_Just do it_Sharapova
Nike " Just do it_I Feel Pretty, Maria Sharapova"
Title: "I Feel Pretty, Maria Sharapova"
Agency: Wieden + Kennedy
City: Portland
Advertiser: Nike
Country of Production: United States
Language: English
Tagline: Just Do It
Awards: British Television Advertising Awards (BTAA), 2007 (Silver) for Retail
Awards: CLIO Awards, 2007 (Bronze) for Apparel/Fashion
Awards: Art Directors Annual Awards, 2007 (Silver) for TV - Over 30 Seconds
Awards: Cannes Lions, 2007 (Gold Lion ) for Best Use of Music
Actor / Celebrity: Maria Sharapova
【資料來源:CNN, AFP, 自由時報2008/01/27】

2. Nike_Just do it_Chien-Ming Wang 王建民

Nike " Just do it, Chien-Ming Wang "
Title: "King, Chien-Ming Wang 王建民"
City: Taipei
Advertiser: Nike
Country of Production: Taiwan
Language: Taiwan
Tagline: Just Do It
Market: Taiwan
Country of Production: Taiwan
Actor / Celebrity: Chien-Ming Wang

3. Nike_Just do it_Red Sox Fans

Nike “Just do it, Red Sox Fans”
Agency: Wieden + Kennedy
City: Portland
Advertiser: Nike
Brand Name: Nike
Date of First Publication: 9/20/2004
Market: United States
Country of Production: United States
Language: English

4. Nike_Just do it_Ballerina

Nike “Just do it, Ballerina”
In this commercial, two Russian dancers "battle" against each other. One is a traditional ballerina, while the other represents modern dance - which is increasingly popular with Russian kids. They both perform difficult moves and push their bodies.
Title: "Just do it, Ballerina"
Agency: Nitro
City: London
Advertiser: Nike
Brand Name: Nike
Market: Russia
Country of Production: United Kingdom
Awards: Epica, 2007 (Gold) for Fashion / Clothing & Fabrics

5. Nike_Just do it_Magnet

Nike “Just do it, Magnet”
Title: Nike “Just do it, Magnet”
Agency: Wieden + Kennedy
City: Portland
Production Company: RSA USA
Advertiser: Nike
Brand Name Nike
Date of First Publication: 2004
Market: United States
Country of Production: United States
Awards: CLIO Awards, 2005 (Bronze) for Technique: Music-Original
Music Company / Composer: Elias

6. Nike_Just do it_Unbelievable_Tiger Woods

2008年1月26日 星期六

Eveready Battery "Cat Fetish 招財貓"

Eveready Battery "Cat Fetish 招財貓"

農曆新年將屆,祝各位朋友與同學【鼠鼠(事事)如意、鼠一鼠二】--Singer Tsai 2008/1/26
Title: "Cat Fetish"
Agency: Far East DDB Public Company LTD
City: Bangkok
Advertiser: Eveready Battery Company, Inc.
Market: Thailand
Country of Production: Thailand
Language: Thai
Awards: Asia Pacific Advertising Festival (AP AdFest), 2005 (Silver) for Household Maintenance Products & Pet Products

Fleurop-Interflora Switzerland "Anniversary, The Power of Flowers"

Fleurop-Interflora Switzerland "Anniversary, The Power of Flowers"

Flowers are the greatest gift, when they come as a surprise. With their brand campaign Fleurop-Interflora follows this fact by surprising their target group again and again.
Title: "Anniversary"
Agency: Walker
City: Zürich
Production Company: Weilands
Advertiser: Fleurop-Interflora
Product Name: Flower Delivery Service
Date of First Publication: 11/30/2006
Market: Switzerland
Country of Production: Switzerland
Tagline: The Power of Flowers
Awards: The New York Festivals International Advertising Awards in All Media, 2007 (Silver World Medal) for Retail Stores
Awards: The New York Festivals International Advertising Awards in All Media, 2007 (Bronze World Medal) for Performance
Awards: Epica, 2007 (Gold) for Consumer Services / Retail Services
Awards: Eurobest, 2007 (Eurobest Silver) for Retail Stores
Creative Director: Pius Walker
Copywriter: Pius Walker
Director: Anthony Minghella
Production Company Producer: Mary Francis
Director of Photography: Benoit Delhomme
Account Executive: Jörg Beer
Editor: Lisa Gunning
Music: Gabriel Yared
Music Company / Composer: Wave

Guinness "Tipping Point, Good Things Come To Those Who Wait"

Guinness "Tipping Point, Good Things Come To Those Who Wait"

“Tipping Point” shows an entire community who, using an array of objects, come together to create the ultimate toppling dominos spectacle. The locals hold their breath as the first domino is tipped, beginning an intricate domino cascade. The excitement mounts as the chain reaction takes hold and books begin to fall, causing cascading crates and suitcases, oil drums are overturned, fridges fall and even cars tumble over in a precision course that weaves its way though the narrow, cobble stoned streets. As the magic unfolds, eager villagers race to see the result of their efforts.
Title: "Tipping Point"
Agency: Abbott Mead Vickers BBDO
City: London
Production Company: Morton Jankel Zander (MJZ)
Brand Name: Guinness
Date of First Publication: 11/8/2007
Market United: Kingdom
Country of Production: United Kingdom
Tagline: Good Things Come To Those Who Wait
Awards: Epica, 2007 (Gold) for Food & drink / Alcoholic Drinks
Awards: Festival de la Publicité de Méribel, 2007 (Cristal) for Europe: Food/Beverage
Creative Team: Angus Macadam, Paul Jordan
Director: Nicolai Fuglsig
Director of Photography: Ellen Kuras
Producer: Nell Jordan, Suza Horvat
Special Effects: VFX The Mill
Music Composer: Enrique Granados

Greater Montreal Real Estate Board "LAUGH"

Greater Montreal Real Estate Board "LAUGH"
Show people that dealing with a realtor —as opposed to doing it all oneself— brings great results, in an uncomplicated manner.
In French Canada, people have a tendency to handle their residential real estate transactions on their own. the role of the greater Montreal Real Estate Board is to promote the profession of a realtor and incite people to use one.
Focus on the end result of a realtor-assisted transaction: the sheer happiness and relief of a transaction that went really well: laughter!
Title: "LAUGH"
Agency: LXB Communication Marketing
City: Montréal
Production: Company: 6ix Degres
Advertiser: Greater Montréal Real Estate Board
Market: Canada
Country of Production: Canada
Language: French
Creative Director: Pier Lalonde
Art Director: Martin Dessureaux
Copywriter: Pier Lalonde
Director: Dominic James
Production Company Producer: Anne-Marie Léveillée
Director of Photography: Yves Bélanger
Sound Production: Audio Z

Royal LePage Real Estate Services "Helping you is what we do"

Royal LePage Real Estate Services "Helping you is what we do"

An exceptional real estate agents is the link that lets you enjoy your life to its fullest. He doesn’t sell houses, he provides you with the right context for us to live and appreciate life’s small and daily moments.
Position Royal LePage real estate agents against very active real estate brands in an extremely crowded sector.
Using a Royal LePage business card as the main thread to the story, show how their agents play a predominant role in their clients’ lives... all the while remaining in the background of things. No sales pitch, no script... just 30 seconds of emotion, of feelings and life as it is meant to be.
A total endorsement from all 9,000 plus agents in the province of Quebec. As this campaign has only been on air for 2 months, it is too early to indicate quantitative results. These will be done in the spring.
Title: "Helping You"
Agency: LXB Communication Marketing
City: Montréal
Advertiser: Royal LePage Real Estate Services
Brand Name: Royal LePage
Business Sector: Real Estate
Date of First Publication: 9/17/2006
Market: Canada
Country of Production: Canada
Language: English
Tagline: Helping you is what we do
Creative Director: Pier Lalonde
Art Director: Martin Dessureaux
Copywriter: Pier Lalonde
Director: Francis Leclerc
Director of Photography: Steve Asselin
Account Executive: Richard Paquet
Animation Effects: 6ix Degres
Music: Luc Sicard

P&G Ariel "Pervert, Ariel. Now with jasmine"

P&G Ariel "Pervert, Ariel. Now with jasmine" Lingerie
Title: "Pervert, Ariel. Now with jasmine" Lingerie
Advertising Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi, Dubai, UAE
City: Dubai
Advertiser: Procter & Gamble
Brand Name: Ariel
Market United: Arab Emirates
Country of Production: United Arab Emirates
Awards: Mena Cristal Awards, 2006 (Cristal) for Home, Clothing, Accessories
Awards: Dubai Lynx Awards, 2007 (Silver Lynx Campaign) for Household
Awards: Dubai Lynx Awards, 2007 (Bronze Lynx Campaign) for Household
Creative Director Ed Jones
Art Director: Fadi Yaish Copywriter: Micky Larosse Illustrator: Ahmed Kundreman Photographer: David Taylor Bramley
請與Sony PlayStation 2 Ads得獎廣告做比較…

Axe "Lingerie stickers, Turns nice girls naughty"

Axe "Lingerie stickers, Turns nice girls naughty"
Advertising Agency: Lowe Ginkgo, Uruguay
Creative Director: Gabriel Román
Art Directors: Agustín Acosta, Gerardo Daud, María Elena de Paula
Copywriters: Fernando De Clemente, Jorge González, Sebastián Mir, Alvaro Palombo
Published: March 2007

Chantelle "Push-Up" Lingerie

Chantelle "Push-Up"

Title: Chantelle "Push Up" Lingerie
Agency: Leo Burnett Brussels
City: Bruxelles
Advertiser: Chantelle
Brand Name: Chantelle
Business Sector: Lingerie, Underwear, Pajamas
Market United: Kingdom
Country of Production: Belgium
Language: English
Awards: Golden Award of Montreux, 2004 (Gold Medal) for Clothings
Awards: Eurobest, 2004 (Bronze) for Clothing, Footwear & Accessories
Creative Director: Wim Corremans, Andre Rysman
Art Director: Alex Gabriels
Copywriter: Wim Corremans
Account Supervisor: Caroline Bossaert
Photographer: Kurt Stallaert
Advertiser's Supervisor: Nadine Morren
Notice the sign off in the top right corner. It feels like this ad is a piece of art just because of that signature.

Mia Lingerie "Bra, Seamless lingerie"

Mia Lingerie_Bra_Seamless lingerie

Advertising Agency: Teran/TBWA Mexico
Creative Directors: Joaquín Maldonado, Daniel Pablos, Yasser Flores
Art Director: Yasser Flores
Copywriters: Eduardo Rodriguez, Daniel Pablos
Photographer: Rames
Published: November 2007

2008年1月25日 星期五

Societe Generale 法國興業銀行交易員 詐騙2300億,史上最高

Societe Generale Ad 興業銀行廣告_Digicode_Shall we taik about it

Societe Generale Ad 興業銀行廣告 "Digicode, Shall we taik about it?"
To change of address is enough complex. If we have to remind of many new numbers, it becomes almost harrowing. This film shows the chain of catastrophs provoked in forgetting a number, after having moved.
Title: "Digicode"
Original Title: "Le Digicode"
Agency: Lowe Stratéus
City: Paris
Production Company: Partizan Midi Minuit
Advertiser: Société Générale
Product Name: Invariant Bank Details
Country of Production: France
Language: English
Creative Director: Grégoire Delacourt
Art Director: Philippe Foliard, Jean-François Dufay
Copywriter: Laurent Vergnaud, Didier Giner
Director: Jim Hosking
Actor / Celebrity: Perkins Lyautey, Ruby Milton

Societe Generale 法國興業銀行交易員 詐騙2300億,史上最高
【資料來源: CNN, AP, CBS, 自由時報 2008/01/25】
「越權交易 猶如霸菱案翻版」
「詐欺案加次貸 重創興業銀」

台灣35歲以下乳癌患 美國4.5倍 & Against Breast Cancer Ad

台灣35歲以下乳癌患 美國4.5倍 & Against Breast Cancer Ad
Against Breast Cancer “Anyone”
Title: "Anyone"
Agency: Abbott Mead Vickers BBDO
City: London
Production Company: Gorgeous Enterprises
Advertiser: Against Breast Cancer
Market: United Kingdom
Country of Production: United Kingdom
Awards: D&AD Awards, 2007 (Yellow Pencil) for Digital / Viral: Cinematography
Awards: British Television Craft Awards, 2007 (Winner) for Best Camera Operator
Awards: London International Awards - LIA, 2007 (Silver) for Cinematography
Creative Director: Paul Brazier
Art Director: Selda Enver, Shaheed Peera
Copywriter: Selda Enver, Shaheed Peera
Director: Tom Carty
Producer: Ciska Faulkner
Agency Producer: Paul Goodwin
Editor: Paul Watts
Special Effects: VFX Tom Sparks
Designer: Gilles Bestley
Sound Designer: Tony Rapaccioli
Music Composer: BAREFOOT

Prevention of breast cancer_X ray beauty, Certainty is beautiful

Mammogrammes are still the best way to detect breast cancer in time when it is most likely to be cared. But most women still ignore this screening method. Mamazone is an international society to promote mammography and fight breast cancer.
Finding an unexpected way of talking about breast cancer.
Using the vanity and body consciousness of today's women and combining a beauty shoot with a x-ray picture. The claim reads: Certainty is beautiful.
Excellent press coverage for the wild posted posters. Increase in website hits by 28%
Title: "X-ray beauty"
Original: Title "Röntgen-Model"
Agency: Young & Rubicam Brands
City: Frankfurt am Main
Advertiser: Mamazone
Product Name: Prevention of breast cancer
Date of First Publication: 12/7/2005
Market: Germany
Country of Production: Germany
Tagline: Certainty is beautiful
Creative Director: Christian Daul
Art Director: Monika Spirkl
Copywriter: Christian Daul
Agency Producer: Katrin Eisenberg
Advertising Manager: Ursula Goldmann-Posch, Doris Schmitt

台灣35歲以下乳癌患 美國4.5倍
【資料來源: 自由時報2008/01/25】

洩個資1筆 擬重罰2萬

洩個資1筆 擬重罰2萬
【資料來源: 自由時報2008/01/25】
(不溯既往 舊案無法獲賠)

東森洩個資 可團體訴訟

東森洩個資 可團體訴訟
【資料來源: 自由時報2008/01/25】

2008年1月24日 星期四


Millet_Angelus 晚禱, 1857-1859_Musee d'Orsay, Paris
Millet_The Gleaners 拾穗, 1857_Musee du Louvre,Paris

Jean Francois Millet (1814-1875)
Jean Francois Millet was born into a family of peasant farmers near Cherbourg. He trained locally as a painter and then went to Paris in 1837 to study under Delaroche. His early work comprised of conventional portraits and fashionable eighteenth century pastoral scenes. However, in 1848 he chose to exhibit The Winnower, a painting depicting peasant life, at the Paris Salon. It was the first of many rural scenes based on memories of his own childhood. Criticized for allowing socialist concerns to infiltrate his art, Millet stated that it was "the human side" of life that he wished to portray, In 1849 he moved to Barbizon where he remained for the rest of his life, painting labourers going about their daily business. In The Angelus, his best known work, Millet chose to celebrate a dignified, hard working couple at work in the fields - their heads bowed in an expression of devotion in the face of nature. Depicting his human figures with a classically sculptural simplicity, Millet's concern was to show the pair in harmony with their peaceful and unchanging rural existence.

四大賽史上最「美」的女網4強饗宴 & Nike Ad "I Feel Pretty_Sharapova"

Nike "I Feel Pretty_Sharapova"

Title: "I Feel Pretty, Maria Sharapova"
Agency: Wieden + Kennedy
City: Portland
Advertiser: Nike
Country of Production: United States
Language: English
Tagline: Just Do It
Awards: British Television Advertising Awards (BTAA), 2007 (Silver) for Retail
Awards: CLIO Awards, 2007 (Bronze) for Apparel/Fashion
Awards: Art Directors Annual Awards, 2007 (Silver) for TV - Over 30 Seconds
Awards: Cannes Lions, 2007 (Gold Lion ) for Best Use of Music
Actor / Celebrity: Maria Sharapova

澳網女單4強賽 「美」的饗宴
【資料來源: 自由時報2008/01/25】莎拉波娃 連兩年晉決賽

2008年1月23日 星期三

Berlitz "Junior, Language for Life" Sinking vs Thinking

Junior_Sinking vs Thinking

Title: "Junior"
Agency: BTS United
City: Oslo
Advertiser: Berlitz
Date of First Publication: 1/15/2006
Country of Production: United States
Language: English
Tagline: Language for Life
Awards: Cannes Lions-2006 (Silver Lion) for Corporate Image
Awards: The Cresta Awards, 2006 (Winner) for Television
Awards: Eurobest, 2006 (Eurobest Silver) for Corporate Image
Awards: One Show Interactive Awards, 2007 (Silver) for Over :30
Awards: The New York Festivals International Advertising Awards in All Media, 2007 (Gold World Medal) for Educational Institutions
Creative Director: Thorbjoern Naug
Art Director: Thorbjoern Naug
Copywriter: Pal Sparre-enger
Director: Nic & Sune Productions
Producer: Espen Horn
Editor: Christian Hvatum

National Association of Realtors "Move In 90 Days"

National Association of Realtors_Move In 90 Days

Title: "Move In 90 Days"
Agency: Carton Donofrio Partners
City: Baltimore
Advertiser: National Association of Realtors
Brand: Name National Association of Realtors
Business Sector: Real Estate
Market: United States
Country of Production: United States

全球不動產經紀高峰會七月登場 & Re/Max Ads

ReMax_Actress_Oustanding Agents, Outstanding Results

【資料來源:自由時報、鉅亨網 2008/1/23】

東森休閒育樂離職經理 盜賣個資14萬筆

東森休閒育樂離職經理 盜賣個資14萬筆
(每筆開價0.6元 販售4回)高嫌任職期間利用職務之便涉嫌將公司客戶的個資存入個人硬碟中,離職後因失業在家,不堪坐吃山空,於去年底開始自「104」人力銀行中尋找需要電話行銷的公司,並主動打電話詢問是否需要個人資料,用以販售圖利。
(追購物台洩資 警方逮人)警方說,日前報載「東森得易購股份有限公司個資外洩,百人遇詐」,經「165」反詐騙專線彙整去年9月3日至11月26日止民眾遭詐騙情形,共有873筆、受騙金額高達5500萬餘元,即組成專案小組展開偵查。專案小組發現有自稱「黃先生」的男子透過電話及網路,販售購物台客戶資料,經循線追查鎖定男子高明德涉有重嫌,昨天將他查緝到案,起獲筆記型電腦、平板電腦、隨身碟等贓證物,依法偵辦。

Renault "Scarecrow Espantapajaros" 意涵深遠廣告..

Title: "Scarecrow Espantapajaros"
Original Title: "Espantapájaros"
Agency: Lowe Buenos Aires
City: Buenos Aires
Production Company: Pioneer Productions
Advertiser: Renault
Market: Argentina
Country of Production: Argentina
Awards: El Sol Festival Publicitario Iberoamericano (San Sebastián), 2005 (Gold Sun) for Automotive
Creative Director: Maximiliano Anselmo, Alvaro Fernandez Mendy
Post Production: Metrovision
Sound: La Casa Post Sound

Renault "Hector, Isn't space the ultimate"

Title: Renault "Hector, Isn't space the ultimate"
Agency: Publicis Conseil
City: Paris
Production Company: Bandits, Outsider Ltd
Advertiser: Renault
Date of First Publication: 12/24/2004
Market: France
Country of Production: France
Language: French
Tagline: Isn't space the ultimate luxury?
Original Tagline: Et si le vrai luxe, c'était l'Espace?
Awards: Prix Club des Directeurs Artistiques, 2004 (2nd Prize) for Television
Awards: Festival de la Publicité de Méribel, 2005 (Cristal) for Best Soundtrack
Awards: Festival de la Publicité de Méribel, 2005 (Cristal) for Car and auto products
Awards: Grand Prix Stratégies de la Publicité, 2005 (Winner) for Automotive
Awards: Kinsale Sharks Awards Advertising Festival, 2005 (Gold)
Awards: Kinsale Sharks Awards Advertising Festival, 2005 (Gold) for Animation
Awards: The APA Show / APA 50, 2005
Awards: The Cresta Awards, 2005 (Winner)
Awards: Ad-Awards, 2005 (Gold) for Vehicules / Transportations

Executive Creative Director: Olivier Altmann
Creative Director: Hervé Plumet
Art Director: Bénédicte Potel
Copywriter: Thierry Lebec
Director: Dom & Nic
Director of Photography: Alex Barber
Sound Producer: Boris Nicou

Renault "Crash Test" 雷諾汽車廣告-在歐洲回響很大..

Renault_Crash Test 01

Description / Synopsis
In a reconstruction of the Euro NCAP different kinds of food are put to the test. All bar one are smashed to pieces. The message: The safest cars are French.
Title: "Crash Test"
Agency: Nordpol Hamburg
City: Hamburg
Production Company: element e
Advertiser: Renault
Date of First Publication: 9/23/2005
Country of Production: Germany
Language: English
Awards: International ANDY Awards, 2006 (Silver) for Automotive
Awards: Art Directors Club Für Deutschland Wettbewerb, 2006 (Gold)
Awards: Golden Award of Montreux, 2006 (Gold Medal) for Automotive
Awards: The One Show, 2006 (Gold) for Design
Awards: Spotlight, 2006 (Gold)
Awards: Cannes Lions - International Advertising Festival, 2006 (Bronze Lion)
Awards: The Cresta Awards, 2006 (Winner) for Television
Awards: Eurobest, 2006 (Eurobest Bronze) for Cars & Automotive Services
Creative Director: Lars Ruhmann
Art Director: Gunther Schreiber, Philipp Dörner, Christoph Bielefeldt, Bertrand Kirschenhofer
Copywriter: Ingmar Bartels
Director: Silvio Helbig
Producer: Jürgen Joppen

Renault_Crash Test 02

Bonjour Paris French School."Heart Attacks"

A hotel room. French music is playing and food and drinks are being enjoyed. A speaker is heard talking about the occurrence of heart attacks in some countries, comparing them with those in the United States, and commenting on their cause.
Title: "Heart Attacks"
Agency: DDB Brasil
City: São Paulo
Production Company: Movi&Art Producoes Cinematograficas
Advertiser: Bonjour Paris French School
Product Name: French Classes
Market: Brazil
Country of Production: Brazil
Language: Portuguese
Awards: Cannes Lions-International Advertising Festival, 2004 (Silver Lion) for Commercial Public Services
Awards: YoungGuns International Advertising Award, 2004 (Silver) for TV
Awards: CLIO Awards, 2005 (Gold) for Corporate/Institutional
Awards: Premio Folha / M&M, 2005 (Top 10) for TV/Cinema
Awards: El Sol Festival Publicitario Iberoamericano (San Sebastián), 2005 (Silver Sun) for Consumer Services, Leisure, Tourism
Creative Director: Sergio Valente, Pedro Cappeletti
Art Director: Mariana Sá, Luis Gustavo Dias
Copywriter: Miguel Bemfica
Director: Luis Gustavo Dias
Director of Photography: Joel Lopes
Producer: Movi & Art
Sound Designer: Ludwig Van
Music Company / Composer: Ludwig Van

2008年1月21日 星期一

Gisele Bündchen Ads "名模:姬賽兒"廣告

Versace"Gisele Bundchen_SS2008_01”
Versace"Gisele Bundchen_SS2008_02”
Versace"Gisele Bundchen_SS2008_03”
Victoria's Secret "Gisele Bundchen_SS2007"

Description / Synopsis
Gisele has a very small tattoo of a star on her wrist. That is the starting point for her body to be covered by tattoos of plants and animals of Brazil's landscape. She is at the same time a national and an international icon. And to see her being covered by brazilian imagery is pleasing both to the eye and to the nation's heart. That is the connection with Ipanema Sandals, a brazilian passion itself. The tagline is Brasil à flor da pele, a local expression that would translate somewhat like Brasil in the flesh. The tattoos were crafted one by one by artist Brasilio Matsumoto, and later digitally applied into the body shots of Gisele. And no, she was not entirely naked during shooting.
Title: "Tattoo" Ipanema Gisele Bündchen. Brasil in the flesh
Agency: W/Brasil Publicidade Ltda
City: São Paulo
Advertiser: Grendene
Brand Name: Ipanema Gisele Bündchen
Market: Brazil
Country of Production: Brazil
Language: Portuguese
Creative Director: Rui Branquinho
Art Director: Celso Alfieri
Copywriter: Rui Branquinho
Director: Fabio Soares
Actor / Celebrity: Gisele Bundchen

Ipanema, Grendene GB Verao 2005 “Gisele Bundchen”

2008年1月20日 星期日

"Children see. Children do." 值得深思的影片...

Title: "Children see. Children do."
Agency: DDB Sydney
City: Ultimo
Production Company: Soma Films
Advertiser: NAPCAN Foundation
Product Name: Child Friendly Australia
Date of First Publication: 9/7/2006
Country of Production: Australia
Awards: Asia Pacific Advertising Festival (AP AdFest), 2007 (Gold)
Awards: The One Show, 2007 (Bronze) for Single
Awards: Cannes Lions - International Advertising Festival, 2007 (Bronze Lion) Awards: London International Awards - LIA, 2007 (Gold) for Public Service
Executive: Creative Director Matt Eastwood
Art Director: Simon Johnson
Copywriter: Charlie Cook
Director: Sean Meehan
Agency Producer: Sean Ashcroft, Sam McGarry
Music Company / Composer: Speed of Sound

10ton "Get Engaged Quickly"

10ton works with advertisers and media companies to create engaging online video.

Advertising Agency: 10ton, New York, US
Creative Directors: Matthew Semel, Chris Chang
Producer: Ray Foley
Released: April 2007

10ton.tv is a blog about the emerging field of commercial online video. Created by 10ton, a New York company dedicated to creating outstanding, engaging online video—ads, original series, shorts, and destination sites.

Coronation Fund Managers "Vincent Van Gogh"

Title: "Vincent Van Gogh"
Agency: Pace Advertising
City: New York
Production Company: Velocity Films
Advertiser: Coronation Fund Managers
Brand Name: Coronation Fund Managers
Business Sector: Banking & Financial Services, Investments, Stock Brokers
Country of Production: South Africa
Language: English

Apple "iPhone The Internet" 台灣之光 王建民

Apple "iPhone The Internet" 台灣之光 王建民

Title: Apple iPhone "The Internet"
Agency: TBWA\Chiat\Day Los Angeles
City: Los Angeles
Advertiser: Apple Inc.
Product Name: iPhone
Market: United States
Language: English
這是2007/06/29 Apple iPhone發表時,首播的四檔廣告之一。iPhone美國已經上市半年了。據悉2008年7月,台灣才有機會一睹她的丰采…並且擁有她...

中國看見這Apple iPhone【台灣之光 王建民】滿場飛揚的台灣國旗,隨著iPhone全世界熱賣而跟著飄揚全世界,不曉得要怎麼跟Apple Inc抗議哦…

2008年1月19日 星期六

"Moon" 心沒有距離、世界沒有距離

"Moon" 心沒有距離、世界沒有距離
現在 你在想誰

Title: "Moon 心沒有距離、世界沒有距離" 現在你在想誰
Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi
Advertiser: Far Eastone Telecommunications
Market: Taiwan
Country of Production: Taiwan
Awards: Times Asia-Pacific Advertising Awards, 2003 (Bronze)

2008年1月15日 星期二

Nicole Kidman new Ads (妮可基嫚的廣告...)

Nicole Kidman 01_Loundry

Nicole Kidman 02_Tenant Meeting

Dove "Evolution"

Title: "Evolution, No wonder our perception of beauty is distorted"
Agency: Ogilvy & Mather
City: Toronto
Advertiser: Unilever
Brand Name: Dove
Awards: The One Show, 2007 (Gold)
Awards: CLIO Awards, 2007 (Silver) for Toiletries/Pharmaceuticals
Awards: D&AD Awards, 2007 (Yellow Pencil) for Digital Direction
Awards: Cannes Lions - International Advertising Festival, 2007 (Grand Prix)
Awards: The NY Festivals International Advertising Awards, 2007 (Gold )
Awards: London International Awards - LIA, 2007 (Gold)
Awards: London International Awards - LIA, 2007 (Gold) for Corporate
Creative Director: Janet Kestin, Nancy Vonk
Art Director: Tim Piper, Mike Kirkland
Copywriter: Tim Piper, Michael Kirkland
Director: Yael Staav, Tim Piper
Director of Photography: Tico Poulakakis
Producer: Jen Walker, Brenda Surminski
Executive Producer: James Davis, Josefina Nadurata
Editor: Paul Gowan
Editing :Company Rogue
Sound Designer: David Hayman
Music Composer: Andrew Harris, David Hayman

Indesit, Aqualtis "Underwater World"

Title: "Underwater World"
Agency: Leo Burnett Company Srl
City: Milano
Production Company: Film Master
Advertiser: Ariston
Date of First Publication: 3/10/2006
Market: Italy
Soundtrack/Song: "Ask The Mountains"
Awards: Cannes Lions - International Advertising Festival, 2006 (Gold Lion)
Awards: Art Directors Club of Europe Awards, 2006 (Gold) for TV Commercials
Awards: Kinsale Sharks Awards Advertising Festival, 2006 (Gold)
Awards: London International Awards - LIA, 2006 (Winner) for Home Furnishings
Awards: Epica, 2006 (Winner) for Homes, Furnishings and Appliances
Awards: Eurobest, 2006 (Eurobest Gold) for Home Appliances & Furnishings
Awards: The Mobius Advertising Awards, 2006 (Mobius) for Home Furnishings
Awards: International ANDY Awards, 2007 (Silver) for Special Effects
Awards: International ANDY Awards, 2007 (Silver) for Household Durable Products
Awards: CLIO Awards, 2007 (Grand Clio) for Home Furnishings/Appliances
Awards: CLIO Awards, 2007 (Gold) for Home Furnishings/Appliances
Awards: D&AD Awards, 2007 (Yellow Pencil) for Broadcast / TV & Cinema
Awards: Art Directors Annual Awards, 2007 (Silver) for TV & Cinema Commercials
Awards: The New York Festivals International Advertising Awards in All Media, 2007
Awards: The Cresta Awards, 2007 (Winner) for TV/Cinema
Creative Director: Enrico Dorizza
Art Director: Antonio Cortesi
Copywriter: Francesco Simonetti
Director: Dario Piana
Producer: Karim Bartoletti
Agency Producer: Renato Lamberti Sagliano
Account Manager: Dario Peccerillo
Editor: Michele Mortara
Music Composer: Vangelis

Traffic Safety "Slow Down" 車子開慢點吧...

Title: " Slow Down _Victims"
Agency: The White House
City: Reykjavik
Advertiser: The Road Traffic Directorate
Date of First Publication: 7/6/2004
Market: Iceland
Country of Production: Iceland
Awards: Eurobest, 2004 (Gold) for Public Health & Safety
Awards: The New York Festivals - International Television, Cinema & Radio Awards, 2005 (Bronze World Medal) for Public Service Announcements: Personal Safety
Creative Director: Sverrir S. Bjornsson
Art Director: Bjarney Hinriksdottir
Copywriter: Elin Hilmarsdottir
Director: Gudjon Jonsson
Production Company Producer: Vidar Gardarsson
Producer: Gisli Brynjolfsson
Lighting Director / Lighting: Bergsteinn Bjorgulfsson
Editor: Gudjon Jonsson
Music: Jon Asgeirsson

M-Shape Society Myth (M型社會來臨...)

This year's rise in the consumer price index combined with many companies reporting record profits has brought attention to a theory called the 'M-shape society' put forward by Japanese business strategist Kenichi Ohmae, who used the phrase to describe the effect of globalization on Japanese society...

Title: "Train_Next Time, You'd Better Offer Her A Jewel"
Agency: Jean & Montmarin
Advertiser: Collective du Bijou
Market: France
Language: French
Creative Director: Rémy Courgeon
Copywriter: Daniel Cazan

Title: "Red Light_A Diamond is Forever "
Agency: JWT New York
Advertiser: De Beers DTC
Market: United States
Language: English

2008年1月14日 星期一

Fashion Boulevard, SS2008

Fendi_Raquel Zimmermann_SS2008_Feb
Gucci_Natasha Poly_SS2008_Feb
Louis Vuitton_Eva Herzigova_SS2008_Feb
PRADA_Sasha Pivovarova_SS2008_Feb
Versace_Gisele Bundchen_SS2008_Feb

Sony "Bravia, Colours like no other" 2006 & 2007

Title: "Balls, Colours like no other "
Agency: Fallon London Ltd.
Product Name: Bravia LCD Televisions
Market: United Kingdom
Awards: Epica, 2005 (Winner) for Audiovisual Equipment & Accessories
Awards: YoungGuns International Advertising Award, 2005 (Gold)
Awards: Festival de la Publicité de Méribel, 2005 (Pan-European Campaign Cristal)
Awards: British Television Advertising Awards (BTAA), 2006 (Gold)
Advertising Creative Circle Awards, 2006 (Platinum Award)
Awards: Advertising Creative Circle Awards, 2006 (Gold)
Awards: The One Show, 2006 (Merit) for Consumer Television
Awards: D&AD Awards, 2006 (Yellow Pencil) for TV & Cinema Advertising
Awards: CLIO Awards, 2006 (Gold) for Product/Service
Awards: Cannes Lions - International Advertising Festival, 2006 (Gold Lion)
Awards: Art Directors Annual Awards, 2006 (Gold) for Advertising
Awards: Kinsale Sharks Awards Advertising Festival, 2006 (Gold)
Awards: The APA Show / APA 50, 2006
Awards: London International Awards - LIA, 2006 (Grand Prize)
Awards: Eurobest, 2006 (Eurobest Grand Prix) for Home Electronics & Audio
Creative Director: Richard Flintham, Andy McLeod
Art Director: Juan Cabral
Copywriter Juan: Cabral
Director: Nicolai Fuglsig
Production Company: Producer Nell Jordan
Editor: Russel Icke
Music: Jose Gonzalez
Sound Designer: Parv Thind

Title: "Paint, Colours like no other "
Agency: Fallon London Ltd.
Market: United Kingdom
Awards: Epica, 2006 (Winner) for Audiovisual Equipment
Awards: Festival de la Publicité de Méribel, 2006 (Cristal)
Awards: British Television Advertising Awards (BTAA), 2007 (Gold)
Awards: Advertising Creative Circle Awards, 2007 (Gold) for Best TV Commercial
Awards: Advertising Creative Circle Awards, 2007 (Gold) for Best Direction
Awards: British Television Advertising Awards (BTAA), 2007 (Winner)
Awards: International ANDY Awards, 2007 (Silver)
Awards: The One Show, 2007 (Silver) for Over :30 - Single
Awards: CLIO Awards, 2007 (Gold) for Home Entertainment
Awards: Art Directors Annual Awards, 2007 (Silver) for TV
Awards: Cannes Lions - International Advertising Festival, 2007 (Gold Lion )
Awards: Midsummer Awards, 2007 (Gold) for Home Electronics
Awards: Kinsale Sharks Awards Advertising Festival, 2007 (Bronze)
Awards: London International Awards - LIA, 2007 (Gold)
Awards: Eurobest, 2007 (Eurobest Gold) for Home Electronics & Audio
Executive Creative: Director Richard Flintham
Creative Director: Juan Cabral
Art Director: Jonathan Glazer, Juan Cabral, Richard Flintham
Copywriter: Juan Cabral, Richard Flintham, Jonathan Glazer
Director: Jonathan Glazer
Cinematography: Dan Landin
Producer: Simon Cooper
Editor: Paul Watts

Chanel "No 5 Parfums" & Dior "J'Adore Parfums"

Title: Chanel “No 5 Parfums”(Perfume)
Market: World
Country of Production: France
Art Supervisor: Jacques Helleu
Director: Baz Luhrmann
Director of Photography: Mandy Walker
Set Designer: Catherine Martin
Wardrobe / Stylist: Catherine Martin, Karl Lagerfeld
Music Composer: Claude Debussy
Actor / Celebrity: Nicole Kidman, Rodrigo Santoro

Title: Dior “J'Adore Parfums”(Perfume)
Market: World
Country of Production: France
Creative Director: Tho Van Tran
Director: Jean-Baptiste Mondino
Music: Barry White
Actor / Celebrity: Carmen Kass



2008年1月13日 星期日

Human rights protection "Beijing 2008"

Human rights protection "Beijing 2008"

Description / Synopsis
Our campaign "China is getting ready, Beijing 2008" for Amnesty International Slovakia points out the ambiguous and hypocritical conduct of China's authorities.
On one side they promote the country's progress towards a modern open society capitalizing on the world's interest towards the Olympics hosting country and on the other side serious violation of human rights is reported by independent organizations.
Even more alarming is that persecutions of political opponents, journalists and human rights activists increase as a direct consequence of the approaching Olympic Games.
In our campaign we combine the noble idea of the olympic movement (rivalry rolled out in a peaceful way in sports) with violence of human rights breach.
In a series of print ads we let sportsmen (a sports shooter, a wrestler and a box fighter) execute their power against an harmless political prisoner.
This way we want to mobilize public opinion from a non-critical support of the Chinese regime organizing the Games towards questioning the lack of democracy in a country hosting the world's event dedicated to reconciliation and celebration of concord. One of the main visuals features the main Olympic symbol - five rings made of barbed wire.
To draw public attention towards human rights violation by a country organizing world's greatest event dedicated to "building a peaceful and better world by educating youth through sport practised without discrimination of any kind, which requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play".
We decided to reveal the dark side of the China's officially publicized Olympics agenda by portraying in a naturalistic way the discrepancy between noble ideas of Olympic sports and human rights violation in China.
Title "Beijing 2008"
Agency MUW / Saatchi & Saatchi
City Bratislava
Advertiser Amnesty International
Brand Name Human rights protection
Business Sector Institutional/Public Interest/Non-Profit Org.
Date of First Publication 1/9/2007
Country of Production Slovakia
Language English
Type Television
Length 260 seconds
Tagline China is getting ready, Beijing 2008
Creative Director Rasto Michalik
Art Director Radim Blaho
Copywriter Matus Svirloch, Peter Izo

2008年1月12日 星期六

Air France & British Airways Ads

Air France "Boarding (French)+Swimming Pool"

Agency: BETC Euro RSCG
City: Paris
Production Company: Première Heure, Radical
Advertiser: Air France
Market: South America, Asia, Middle East, Europe, France
Soundtrack/Song: "Between Us"
Awards: Festival de la Publicité de Méribel, 2006 (Cristal) for France: Commercial / Transport
Awards: Festival de la Publicité de Méribel, 2006 (Sound Cristal) for France: Commercial
Awards: Prix Club des Directeurs Artistiques, 2006 (2nd Prize) for Cinema Films

Creative Director: Rémi Babinet
Art Director: Eric Holden
Copywriter: Rémi Noël
Director: Hou Hsiao Hsein (Boarding)
Director: Daniel Askill (Swimming Pool)
Music Company / Composer: Aswefall/ Between Us
Tagline: One of the best places on earth

British Airways "Global"

Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi
Advertiser: British Airways
Market: United Kingdom
Awards: CLIO Awards, 2004 (Hall Of Fame)

Creative Director: Paul Arden
Art Director: Graham Fink
Copywriter: Jeremy Clarke
Director: Hugh Hudson
Cinematography: Bernard Lutic
Producer: Meghan Clark
Editor: Patrick Moore
Music Composer: Leo Delibes
Music Company / Composer: Malcolm McLaren

Axe "No"

Axe “No”
Description / Synopsis
The objective is to communicate that Axe's effect and fragrance lasts 24 hs. A guy meets a girl on the street and asks her to have a coffee with him. She always turns down his proposals but he'll continue asking her out to other places until he acomplishes the ultimate challenge.

Agency: VegaOlmosPonce
Production Company: La Banda Films
Advertiser: Unilever
Brand Name Axe
Market: Argentina
Awards: Cannes Lions - International Advertising Festival, 2005 (Bronze Lion ) for Cosmetics & Beauty
Awards: El Sol Festival Publicitario Iberoamericano (San Sebastián), 2005 (Silver Sun) for Hygiene & Beauty Products

Creative Director: Sebastián Stagno, Rafael D'Alvia, Hernán Ponce
Art Director: Ricardo Armentano
Copywriter: Analía Ríos
Director: Jose Pratt
Producer: Paco Cosio
Agency Producer: Roberto Carsillo

Metro De Madrid "Transparent"

Metro De Madrid "Transparent"

Title: "Transparent"
Agency: Contrapunto
City: Madrid
Advertiser: Metro de Madrid
Market: Spain
Awards: El Sol Festival Publicitario Iberoamericano (San Sebastián), 2005 (Silver Sun) for Consumer Services, Leisure, Tourism
Awards: FIAP - Ibero American Advertising Festival, 2006 (Gold) for Television

Creative Director: Antonio Montero, José Maria Cornejo, Fernando Galindo
Art Director: José Maria Cornejo
Copywriter: Fernando Galindo
Director: Gabe Ibáñez
Producer: Pancho Alted, Miki Heras
Editor: Alba Oriol
Sound Design Company: Beat Music
Music Company / Composer: Beat Music
Advertiser's Supervisor: Miguel Otamendi, Maite Díaz

France Espaces Naturistes “La Plage, The Beach”

France Espaces Naturistes “La Plage, The Beach”
Description / Synopsis
Brake down the preconceived ideas, still too often associated to naturism practice.

Title: “La Plage, The Beach”
Agency: Latgé Associés
Advertiser France: Espaces Naturistes
Market: France
Awards: Cannes Lions - International Advertising Festival, 2005 (Shortlist) for Tourism

Creative Director: Pierre-Yves Demarcq
Art Director: Pierre-Yves Demarcq
Copywriter: Pierre-Yves Demarcq
Director: Jérome Py Production Company: Producer François Cadene

Lux "Neon Girl"

Agency: Santo Buenos Aires
Advertiser: Unilever
Brand Name: Lux
Country of Production: Argentina
Awards: Cannes Lions - International Advertising Festival, 2007 (Bronze Lion )
Awards: Kinsale Sharks Awards Advertising Festival, 2007 (Silver)
Awards: British Television Craft Awards, 2007 (Shortlist)

Creative Director: Maximiliano Anselmo, Sebastián Wilhelm
Art Director: Maximiliano Anselmo
Copywriter: Matías Ballada, Sebastián Wilhelm
Director: Daniel Kleinman
Production Designer: Dale Newton
Producer: Scott Griffin
Music Company / Composer: CCCI Producciones

2008年1月11日 星期五

Free Hugs "AIDS is not transmitted so. But love is."

Title: "Free Hugs" “AIDS is not transmitted so. But love is.”
Agency: BETC Euro RSCG
City: Paris
Brand Name: INPES
Market: France
Country of Production: France
Awards: The New York Festivals International Advertising Awards in All Media, 2007 (Gold World Medal)
Awards: The Cresta Awards, 2007 (Winner)
Awards: Eurobest, 2007 (Eurobest Bronze) for Public Health & Safety
Awards: Festival de la Publicité de Méribel, 2007 (Special Mention)
Director: Denis Thybaud

LynxJet "Get On.Get Off"

Title:"LynxJet" Get On. Get Off.
Communication goal:
Lynx (Axe globally) is a male targeted Body Spray with an irreverent brand personality focused around public, playful fantasies.
Lynx were facing a problem. Older guys 17-25yrs were dropping out of the brand because they perceived it to be for their younger brother. Lynx needed to actively engage with the older 17-25yrs males.

Controversy is a measure of success! The airplane was pulled due to threatened strike by the carriers’ actual air hostesses. Brand share jumped 14.2% to 84.5% - an all time high! Brand equity measure ‘is a sexy brand’ increased by 10%. Over 658,000 unique page views (27% of the target!).

Agency:Universal McCann (Sydney)
Brand Name:Lynx
Product Name:LynxJet

Awards:Cannes Lions, 2006(Bronze Lion)
Awards:Cannes Media Lions Grand Prix, 2006
Awards:YoungGuns International Advertising Award, 2006 (Bronze)
Awards:YoungGuns International Advertising Award, 2006 (Silver Bullet)

2008年1月10日 星期四

"Training" Development Bank of Southern Africa

"Training" Development Bank of Southern Africa

Advertiser:Development Bank of Southern Africa
Brand Name:DBSA
Market:South Africa
Country of Production:South Africa
Awards:Loerie Awards, 2007 (Gold Campaign)

Creative Director:Meirion Griffiths, Bruce Anderson
Art Director:Bruce Anderson, Ilana Yahav
Director:Bruce Anderson, Meirion Griffiths
Cinematography:Nigel Batson
Agency Producer:Jenny McClean

以台灣選民的民主素養,四張選票對投票行為而言,不用擔心選民會因此不知所措,而致KMT所謂的「太亂了所以不知道怎麼投票,卻用不當掠奪的黨產,花大錢買廣告要人民拒領公投票」,看看"Training"這個「Development Bank of Southern Africa南非開發銀行」並得到Loerie Awards,2007金獎大賞的「Training」廣告,【看看別人,想想自己】,如果是真心愛這塊土地、認同這塊土地,不應該教人民不要或者拒絕公民權,而是應該要【教育訓練人民】如何去行使公民權,讓民主的真諦開花結果…

2008年1月9日 星期三

Salesman "Golden Rules" 期勉所有業務人員都是打不死的蟑螂...

期勉所有業務人員都是打不死的蟑螂...(Singer at 9,Jan,2008)

See salesman through different eyes.

Salesman “Golden Rules”

Agency:Creative Juice/G1
Advertiser:Bangkok Insurance
Brand Name:Bangkok Life Assurance
Awards:Asia Pacific Advertising Festival (AP AdFest), 2007 (Silver)
Awards:Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival, 2007 (Silver Lion )

(Salesman (中文字幕)