2008年1月23日 星期三

Bonjour Paris French School."Heart Attacks"

A hotel room. French music is playing and food and drinks are being enjoyed. A speaker is heard talking about the occurrence of heart attacks in some countries, comparing them with those in the United States, and commenting on their cause.
Title: "Heart Attacks"
Agency: DDB Brasil
City: São Paulo
Production Company: Movi&Art Producoes Cinematograficas
Advertiser: Bonjour Paris French School
Product Name: French Classes
Market: Brazil
Country of Production: Brazil
Language: Portuguese
Awards: Cannes Lions-International Advertising Festival, 2004 (Silver Lion) for Commercial Public Services
Awards: YoungGuns International Advertising Award, 2004 (Silver) for TV
Awards: CLIO Awards, 2005 (Gold) for Corporate/Institutional
Awards: Premio Folha / M&M, 2005 (Top 10) for TV/Cinema
Awards: El Sol Festival Publicitario Iberoamericano (San Sebastián), 2005 (Silver Sun) for Consumer Services, Leisure, Tourism
Creative Director: Sergio Valente, Pedro Cappeletti
Art Director: Mariana Sá, Luis Gustavo Dias
Copywriter: Miguel Bemfica
Director: Luis Gustavo Dias
Director of Photography: Joel Lopes
Producer: Movi & Art
Sound Designer: Ludwig Van
Music Company / Composer: Ludwig Van
