2008年1月26日 星期六

Chantelle "Push-Up" Lingerie

Chantelle "Push-Up"

Title: Chantelle "Push Up" Lingerie
Agency: Leo Burnett Brussels
City: Bruxelles
Advertiser: Chantelle
Brand Name: Chantelle
Business Sector: Lingerie, Underwear, Pajamas
Market United: Kingdom
Country of Production: Belgium
Language: English
Awards: Golden Award of Montreux, 2004 (Gold Medal) for Clothings
Awards: Eurobest, 2004 (Bronze) for Clothing, Footwear & Accessories
Creative Director: Wim Corremans, Andre Rysman
Art Director: Alex Gabriels
Copywriter: Wim Corremans
Account Supervisor: Caroline Bossaert
Photographer: Kurt Stallaert
Advertiser's Supervisor: Nadine Morren
Notice the sign off in the top right corner. It feels like this ad is a piece of art just because of that signature.
