2008年1月25日 星期五

台灣35歲以下乳癌患 美國4.5倍 & Against Breast Cancer Ad

台灣35歲以下乳癌患 美國4.5倍 & Against Breast Cancer Ad
Against Breast Cancer “Anyone”
Title: "Anyone"
Agency: Abbott Mead Vickers BBDO
City: London
Production Company: Gorgeous Enterprises
Advertiser: Against Breast Cancer
Market: United Kingdom
Country of Production: United Kingdom
Awards: D&AD Awards, 2007 (Yellow Pencil) for Digital / Viral: Cinematography
Awards: British Television Craft Awards, 2007 (Winner) for Best Camera Operator
Awards: London International Awards - LIA, 2007 (Silver) for Cinematography
Creative Director: Paul Brazier
Art Director: Selda Enver, Shaheed Peera
Copywriter: Selda Enver, Shaheed Peera
Director: Tom Carty
Producer: Ciska Faulkner
Agency Producer: Paul Goodwin
Editor: Paul Watts
Special Effects: VFX Tom Sparks
Designer: Gilles Bestley
Sound Designer: Tony Rapaccioli
Music Composer: BAREFOOT

Prevention of breast cancer_X ray beauty, Certainty is beautiful

Mammogrammes are still the best way to detect breast cancer in time when it is most likely to be cared. But most women still ignore this screening method. Mamazone is an international society to promote mammography and fight breast cancer.
Finding an unexpected way of talking about breast cancer.
Using the vanity and body consciousness of today's women and combining a beauty shoot with a x-ray picture. The claim reads: Certainty is beautiful.
Excellent press coverage for the wild posted posters. Increase in website hits by 28%
Title: "X-ray beauty"
Original: Title "Röntgen-Model"
Agency: Young & Rubicam Brands
City: Frankfurt am Main
Advertiser: Mamazone
Product Name: Prevention of breast cancer
Date of First Publication: 12/7/2005
Market: Germany
Country of Production: Germany
Tagline: Certainty is beautiful
Creative Director: Christian Daul
Art Director: Monika Spirkl
Copywriter: Christian Daul
Agency Producer: Katrin Eisenberg
Advertising Manager: Ursula Goldmann-Posch, Doris Schmitt

台灣35歲以下乳癌患 美國4.5倍
【資料來源: 自由時報2008/01/25】
