2008年1月13日 星期日

Human rights protection "Beijing 2008"

Human rights protection "Beijing 2008"

Description / Synopsis
Our campaign "China is getting ready, Beijing 2008" for Amnesty International Slovakia points out the ambiguous and hypocritical conduct of China's authorities.
On one side they promote the country's progress towards a modern open society capitalizing on the world's interest towards the Olympics hosting country and on the other side serious violation of human rights is reported by independent organizations.
Even more alarming is that persecutions of political opponents, journalists and human rights activists increase as a direct consequence of the approaching Olympic Games.
In our campaign we combine the noble idea of the olympic movement (rivalry rolled out in a peaceful way in sports) with violence of human rights breach.
In a series of print ads we let sportsmen (a sports shooter, a wrestler and a box fighter) execute their power against an harmless political prisoner.
This way we want to mobilize public opinion from a non-critical support of the Chinese regime organizing the Games towards questioning the lack of democracy in a country hosting the world's event dedicated to reconciliation and celebration of concord. One of the main visuals features the main Olympic symbol - five rings made of barbed wire.
To draw public attention towards human rights violation by a country organizing world's greatest event dedicated to "building a peaceful and better world by educating youth through sport practised without discrimination of any kind, which requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play".
We decided to reveal the dark side of the China's officially publicized Olympics agenda by portraying in a naturalistic way the discrepancy between noble ideas of Olympic sports and human rights violation in China.
Title "Beijing 2008"
Agency MUW / Saatchi & Saatchi
City Bratislava
Advertiser Amnesty International
Brand Name Human rights protection
Business Sector Institutional/Public Interest/Non-Profit Org.
Date of First Publication 1/9/2007
Country of Production Slovakia
Language English
Type Television
Length 260 seconds
Tagline China is getting ready, Beijing 2008
Creative Director Rasto Michalik
Art Director Radim Blaho
Copywriter Matus Svirloch, Peter Izo
