2008年1月23日 星期三

Berlitz "Junior, Language for Life" Sinking vs Thinking

Junior_Sinking vs Thinking

Title: "Junior"
Agency: BTS United
City: Oslo
Advertiser: Berlitz
Date of First Publication: 1/15/2006
Country of Production: United States
Language: English
Tagline: Language for Life
Awards: Cannes Lions-2006 (Silver Lion) for Corporate Image
Awards: The Cresta Awards, 2006 (Winner) for Television
Awards: Eurobest, 2006 (Eurobest Silver) for Corporate Image
Awards: One Show Interactive Awards, 2007 (Silver) for Over :30
Awards: The New York Festivals International Advertising Awards in All Media, 2007 (Gold World Medal) for Educational Institutions
Creative Director: Thorbjoern Naug
Art Director: Thorbjoern Naug
Copywriter: Pal Sparre-enger
Director: Nic & Sune Productions
Producer: Espen Horn
Editor: Christian Hvatum
